So the plan is

Name one.

Oh wait, you LIKE U2 and Pearl Jam.

I actually plead you not name one.

Rage Against the Machine, 311…

Sorry to say, Sublime is not the greatest band to ever grace this earth.

Rage or 311, although both good bands, are missing elements that have a broad appeal.

And nowhere did I try to say that Sublime is the greatest band to ever grace the earth. I simply said no other bands have the appeal to all the genres the way Sublime did. They were going to be big no matter what happened with Brad. Nice try on putting words in my mouth.

the show is the 9th…we’ll be leaving the morning of the 7th…arriving early evening of the 7th (HI time)

I guess when you said this,

I mistook what you said… :bloated:

404 Error: greatest band ever statement still not found.

Led zepplin did it. Nickelback is so bad that you should have not even mentioned them.

how about i just saw one of my favorite bands last night in tuffalo for $15. you couldnt pay me to sit through a pearl jam show. much less fly to hawaii for them and U2 siiiiiiiiqqqqqqqqqqqq

and sublime was an amazing band. they were a huge part of my childhood. maybe its the same for you guys, im guessing your all 5+ years older than me.
my sublime is your pearl jam. fair enough? i can kinda see why you are going out of your way to see them joe…




dont suck:
kriss kross

/thread what ngga?!

I like Pearl Jam, but US sucks x 20




this thread sucks X 20

at my gig tonight maybe i’ll play some pearl jam :mamoru:

God damn typos, U2 sorry. Yeah ok maybe more than 20 lol. Oh and to those who say Sublime is like the only band to cover such a large area in music…ever heard of Kid Rock? He does country, rock, metal, rap…like everything. Not saying he is amazing, but I’ll give him credit for the musical diversity.







this thread is DONE now.

hahahahaha wow

I fuckin lost it at that comment. too funny!

Ok whats so funny? I said he is musicaly diverse, not good at what he does.

It’s funny because he is not at all musically diverse. He can be summed up in one genre called dumbfuckgarbagerock

I can appreciate all kinds of music
I like most music out there
I come from a musical background

Kidrock is a notalent ass clown


ugh kid rock I drive an fbody and he still sucks