So this guy thinks he knows everything!

I’d throw a couple hundred down.

The owner of the Lambo G is Ray, he is not a shit talker. He also has the sweet F650, single tire conversion, sweet ghost skulls on it… its big, its yellow, and its hard to miss. His car is bone stock. He isn’t racing anyone for $10k. I don’t know who this “friend” is but he is full of shit.

Ray owns the Clarence Mansion on rt 5. If he wanted to beat everyone on the street he has the cash to do so. Instead he drives a Lambo.

Jack don’t know shit! lol

116 MPH in the quarter? lol - hell, we should have a whole bunch of cars go and beat up on him (including myself)!!

i’m the friend and i never said that ray was talking shit a friend of his was that I work with and if you would have read this whole post you would have known that the 10k bet was also made by that same guy becase he told me that a honda civic or any 4 cylinder car could never beat a lamborghini

i’m not really sure what your talking about. I raced him on the highway but we didn’t geta good startI do have it on video and it would be a close race.when i get back from winged warior i’ll be happy to race you again.

as for bitching out at dennys Idon’t recall that. if choko casually asked me for a rerun i probably told him we will have to do it at another date because i’m not about to race someone when i’m tired that is just foolish.

Maybe you guys should race the guy for a NYSpeed bar tab.

We could all go there, rack up a huge bill, talk some shit with the owner, get him to bet that the Lambo is faster than anything, and Onyx, the sober one at that point, can race him and clear the tab. :tup:


I never said you did… I simply stated that HE isn’t. I have the reading skills here not you :wink:

$10k bet was made by whom?

maybe if everyone is so confidend, they should race for pinks? i have nothing to race, unless i get the CR out, 0-60 i would own him

This would make for one sweet ownage vid. The only Gallardo I’ve seen run broke something at Norwalk and still trapped @ 110 or so.


maybe it’s just me, but where is the end of the race?

1/4 times are fun, but what are the 0-140-0 times for

it was the douchebag that HorseJaw works with.
he will prolley post up the fags name

larry alterie or something like that…i guess they call him bubba…

so tell the lambo owner to tell this fag to STFU

i’m here for this race.

lol at jack always being the voice of reason.

this thread is officially gay

Is this the same Lambo that stomped Twisted’s R6 on zee highway? :lol: :stuck_out_tongue:

:lol: yeahh this is the guy i tried running and for a cpl miles he wouldent do anything…as soon as i clicked up 2 gears he took off. So yeahh he raped after he heard me click up twice…

and yes russ this thread is officially gay

:gay3: excuses

yupp i just wanted to see a lambo get smoked by everyone on here