So This Showed Up Today...



your ballin in the summer time fo sho


Fess up. You bought a sex swing on ebay and that’s what it shipped in.

tv’s thicker than 5 inches are for faggts

does that look like a living room?

that’s his new PC monitor… bishes

It’s going to be like seeing all your favorite porns for the first time again!

god. i bet he can increase his masturbation frequency threefold!

Nah, that’s strictly for the bedroom. I don’t want my image of Jenna Jamison and her company of lesbian-sluts marred by seeing her in HD…

theres not enough time in the day for that.

no, really.

you’ve never seen porn until you can count the sperm!!!

so fucking hot.

hate u

im coming over to see it later


very true,porn is best watched on an ipod … that way the ass pounding wrinkles and sperm stain induced zits are invisible