So what did you get for Christmas?

woulndt you get killed playing for the ASHL or any other adult league if you have not been skating all your life?
I would love to get back into Hockey again. But my son is 3 now, so in a couple years I get to coach his league!
I got a Golf Town gift cert. for Christmas.

Well, I’m hoping the saying “it’s never too late” applies to this. That’s why I need to do a lot more skating + hockey lessons. I plan on joining the league in April…

I started playing hockey when I was around 20. I had never played but all of my friends did… I raced karts while they all played hockey heh… I am ok with the trade off, but now am playing catch-up.

Mark, you should try to find a bunch of guys that play pick-up, it’s a good way to get thrown in there and learn. Also go to the arena just to watch the games, watch intently, you’d be surprised what you can learn by watching… just like young 240 owners, they watch all of the drifting videos they can and then they automaticaly know how to drift… right? Seriously though, watching is fun too, like Jr A games etc.

I was playing this year too, untill a collission ended in my right shoulder being dislocated, putting me out of work till early January

Theo, did you know how to skate well before you started playing hockey? But I agree, I’ve been watching a lot of hockey… been to a Canada vs Russia ADT challenge game, it was amazing. Watching people play hockey definitely helps. I’m just such a bad skater… that’s why I want to work on that a lot more first.

lol, I remember asking Jesse how he got so good at drifting and he told me that it was from watching a lot of drifting videos…and practice too of course.

We should get a SON game going. Not sure how many people here play hockey though.

Haha, that’s funny. The ideas of what to do usually come from watching someone else, but the skills are definitely built and refined with one thing: practice.

I did know how to skate before buying equipment, but I would definitely not go full bore unless I had a long stretch to stop haha. I can stop now though. :slight_smile:

I’ve done some ice renting before for my work buddies. You’d need atleast 20 guys with $10 each with average pricing. This would be for an evening probably after 9:00pm or a sunday afternoon (If your area arena’s have the same booking schedule as Grimsby) And this is not including 2 goalies who usually play for free. (These are fully dressed goalies)

ya mark, I had not skated since I was 10 so really I am just starting from scrach, I have been going to some of the adult skates the last week because of I had the time. IM just working on balance stopping and just moving around. waiting on the backwards thing. I have a rink on the evening of the 29th if you want to know. No for hockey but to dick around and ya bring a stick.

Hey Theo im in the same boat and looking to get into hockey too…something cheaper than racing to keep active. I did play when i was in my single digits until my early early teens then i quit from practices being too early.

I had to learn to skate years later again when i went funskating with a date…she admired my lack of skating abilities and that set the night off and got me the poonz :slight_smile: It took a while to pick up on skating again since i was last on ice at 12 maybe

im down for a son hockey game , hjavent plyed since i was 13 and havent skated in 5 years but i think it would be a good go

That’s awesome man, why don’t we do some rec skating? We all don’t live too far from each other, it’ll be fun. We can all hold hands too. (I’m jk)

Benson, let me know when and where you have the ice, I will try my best to come. I still can’t stop btw. :frowning:

Btw I’m right handed but I shoot right in hockey. How about you guys?

Hector, no hitting allowed though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Shoot right… Right side is more coordinated but the left is much stronger.

It took me a long time to learn how to skate in a straight line, and I can only turn left, which means its pretty important that I play on the right side… or that we skate in a counter clockwise fashion.

haha I guess I don’t feel so bad now. :slight_smile:

I got plain tickets to California and back. i leave on boxing day for 10 days.

its my baby girls first Xmas so shes gatting spoiled by the whole family too.


Justin, nice! where in California are you going? What are you going to see/visit?

Been there twice and can’t wait to go again.

we met Frank and Ross Petty, from Falkan at round one. so we are going to check out their shop and hang out with them and meet the rest of Falkan Drift team and a bunch of other people. should be alot of fun. i cant wait.

29th Mark at 900pm

I got myself a 24" Samsung LCD monitor and a PS3 with some games :slight_smile: