So whats the deal with homeless in toronto?

one time while walking down elmwood out of the 24 hour store hagen and i walked by some bums that were sitting on the front steps of a house that was vacant at the time. they were sitting like 20 feet? away from the sidewalk and yelled at us to give them change. i said sure come and get it. he wanted me to walk up to the house and give him change. i said fuck that, thats bullshit and in a drunken rage reached into my pocket and grabbed a handful of change and beerbottle caps and threw it at them as hard as i could.

they were not to happy about that. then hagen and i walked 10 feet or so more down the sidewalk and he started rolling change down the sidewalk. fucking bums. but i always put 2 beers in my pocket if im coming from a party in the city and going to brickbar/pink and give them to the first bums i see. they are usually very appreciative.

EDIT: inb4sakbitchingaboutabumwhostolehisfrenchfries