So which one of you mother fuckers did it?

Dude thats a stand up thing to say. Its not even about the parts, actually I would refuse anything given like that. But like you said its more to show the community that we wont stand for this shit. maybe get some news coverage to show how much we care and can stick together, there could be some good stuff come from something like this.

For all the people that say the real person is allways different than the person on the internet… was totally right. Darryl is 110% more of a stand up, level headed, moral person than his keyboard will ever try to show. People like this are why good familys and good kids come up in society; his way of life and his actions are what people should strive for.

Him and I are looking forward not over our shoulders. Lets just say that. :thumbup

Yeah, fishy huh. It being looked into. It was brought up this am and deleted asap as not to startle the suspect, but fuck it. If it wasnt him, and doesnt want to labeled as a suspect, then he has the unfortunate responsibility to step up and prove it. Sometimes life is a bitch like that and your stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time. Him comming up on her with that intro thread, living only a few miles from ASS and driving the same platform needing all the parts taken… are an example of wrong place and wrong time.

Yeah broski. You put in just as much time as I have. Between you and Yetti, when i needed help both of you were covered in oil and grease at a moments notice. Thats why your my best friends and respected highly for that.

look at it this way… now you have more work to do! lol

Dude… its all good. Honestly as much as we dont see eye to eye on here, I still look forward to meeting you at some point, getting our panties out of our ass and arm wrestlein or something to get this shit out of our system. lol

dito on the build thread. like my brother said its a prime target thats for sure. Its a shame becasue it was susposed to be a place to share ideas, good times and late nights with friends in the garage. not a place to gather a motive for theft. Maybe we should look into making it like the SR section, post count gains you access. keep it in the family, no homo. lol

Speaking of which, I better look deeper into the car tomorrow to make sure they didnt stuff one up the tail pipe or in the glove box.:rofl