So which one of you mother fuckers did it?


I took jon’s “ball park” figure and multiplied it by 30 (days a mo) X 5 mo’s.


Thats whats fucked up… how much overhead can there be to sticking a needle in an arm and killing that dude. Paper work??? Ok fine, sing here here and here stating that your going to die. Joe prision guard walks them to a room. Jane nurse sticks him. Sit and watch the time go by. Lug the dead body away and send it to the family. if it costs more than $1,250,000 (25K p-yr X 50 years) to complete the above the people involved in that process are making WAY TOO MUCH MONEY.

  • rep! I friended him too, but who ever is admining that account for him didnt want to accept mine. Sofar only that keon chode did.