he already is a repeat offender.
only thing he’s going to do is be around other criminals 24/7.
he already is a repeat offender.
only thing he’s going to do is be around other criminals 24/7.
i hope by being around a bunch of em he gets scared like fuck. maybe hes actually a decent kid that made bad choices and this will scare him straight. or maybe he’s going to keep this up and be a scumbag and a drain on society
or maybe he’s going to get buttraped
You must spread some reputation around before giving it to LKSi again :lol
I remember the jury duty Crazyz250 and I were on. Some gothic emo looking kid threw a party at his house and got caught, so we sentenced him to 250 hours of community service.
:rofl didnt he get his 12 yr old sister drunk or something?
if the kid got 2 yrs and probation till 27 he will be back , he prolly wont go anywhere prison wise till he opts for p/c living then the pedo,s will tear him up . prison isnt as bad ass tv makes it out to be . not once did i get raped or anything wierd forced upon me . i went into jail at 140 lbs came out jacked and knew a whole lot more than i did goin in
Ohh yeah we have it.
thats ok man. Just make sure you get there. It only takes like 30 mins and your out. Cake. Your a big part of this, so your 110% needed.
So is this kid basically taking the entire hit for what happened?
I have all of this info. Pm for details lol
I’m pissed at how this is being handled it’s complete bullshit, he should have been sentenced to the fullest from the begining along with his dirtbag friends, I see them fucking scumbags all the time and I’m sure they aren’t getting ANY sort of discipline when we know for a fact they were all there, I can’t wait till he gets out or comes home for a holiday like this past week (which would also have been nice to fucking know before I see him in my rearview) so I can fucking strangle him.
What happened to your muscles? I guess they didn’t teach you punctuation either:rofl
assholee lolol the muscle is still ther , just a nice layer of flubber covers it now . no i didnt learn punctuation at all
Yeah I cant understand how that lil *** Keon didnt get shit? It was between him and anothony on the facebook, bragging about all the shit they did with the race cars. The cops know that he is a piece of shit though, Steve said he snooped around his facebook and saw all kinds of shit, knives, weed, and him posting up shit like I am going to shank this kid and do this that and the other thing. WTF.
They are all scum and if he did that with all of them they could all be locked up…they should give him a drug test when he goes back and test him for DXM, you could add something else to his charges
Man I wish they would make the mistake of trying to mess with stuff at my house
Mmmmmmm hhhmmmmm
yah, jerking off 24/7 will buff you right up! lol
That anthony kid has been out for the past 2 weeks and has some sort of obsession with his cat…it’s really akward always seeing pictures of him and his cat with all sorts of “pet names” as picture labels
this is kind of ironic
anthony bruschi: 10 hours ago: “late night walks?”
Dan Schmidbauersk33t-hardbody tagger in colonie, wanted by
many fast-food resturants. likes to yell yo ma!. he is hardbody and will
write skeet all over.hey take two team!, theres a sk33t tag on it11 hours ago
^^ anthony commented:
anthony bruschi>dan schmidbauer: 5 mins ago: pics from last night?
these kids are seriously fucking stupid, i wonder what they were up to last night