so who is going to the drift event

Sam, ouch. :frowning:

And Iā€™m sorry, who lit the nerf ball on fire?

hey for one, I enjoy brand new

and for two, .fuck billy joel, I started the fire

super cereal

I donā€™t dislike Brand New, you got me all wrong.
Just like you took me calling drift kids crazy the wrong way.
Let me thank you for being such a hospitable host, and politely request you get off my back! Okay? Friends? :slight_smile:


How many BFF do you have Sam? We all canā€™t be your BFF!!

how ever many I want steve

I will totally fight you for Sam BFF status. Bring it Steve.

you have aim sam? real fucking cool.

samn1511, add it bitches

nope. not addin it.

He messaged me first:haha

Thanks, I was hoping you wouldnā€™t, I was just being polite and asking everybody

Not even going to bother, I just canā€™t believe you would keep something like this from me. Youā€™re dead to me.

u never told me urs either benjamin

whoa whoa whoa. Sam why are you giving this guy crap. At least he wants events instead of streeting. Wallace complains about not having events, I complain about not having eventsā€¦ YOU complain about not having events.

Is anyone really looking to start new events right now??

use your detective work slammy, it would bite you if it could.

drifting is so last week, weā€™re all building monster trucks. Monster Jam 2010 here we come!

pff. good.

I am going to be drifting Kramers Mr2 seeing as he will be out of town

dat shit will be locked up with the steering wheel, shift knob, and headunit sitting in the closet of my room :lmao

Yea I dont need those things as I have my own to supply kthxbye