So yeah

haha wake up early? Howie?

Good luck Howie! :slight_smile:

Tell me about it :slight_smile:

later man.
hey, what ever happened with the futon? lol

:beer: heres one for ya man! one love

Buffalo may have changed your life but you have changed mine. Its a rare thing to meet someone as genuine and good natured as you my friend. You are wise beyond your years. Its been good…take care…and best wishes :slight_smile:

:word: couldn’t have said it better. It’s sad to see such a good guy go. Good luck man, all the best.

you take care buddy. but i know we will get the crown flowing again when i am home and you come up to visit. well, atleast i will get the crown flowing to you :bloated: :stuck_out_tongue:

Good luck in NYC, Def see ya when you come back to buffalo…

stop saying good bye… we will see you again.

and best of luck.

dont leave us, the flowers will die

but really good luck man

Howie it was a pleasure. I know you will be back. But if not we will have to hook up when I go back to the city to see Nikkis family…

EDIT: I own page 3

What traffic? Metro to Grand Central beeyyootchhhh

what’s a metro? :stuck_out_tongue:

peace out hommie, sorry i missed ya sunday, didn’t know you were leaving this early in the week :tdown:

And here I am…

I <3 Mass Transit

7:01AM -> bus to train station

7:10AM -> Train to Grand Central

7:44AM -> Arrive at Grand Central

Walk 2 blocks arrive at work :slight_smile:

i love you :frowning:

best of luck in nyc howie, hopefully we’ll see ya soon back here in the buff, lata man :wave: :frowning: