So you think you can detail a car?

Dear Benjamin J Fizzle,

name the wednesday, saturday or sunday of your choosing I will purchase much mead and wine and we will polish the scum from your paesant cart. Let these lechorous scoundrels to the own lazy oafishness so that we can scouff as we pass them triumphant from our carts on ye old trail.

Jesus, I pity the fool doin that job!

No way in Hell that Benny can conjur up enough energy to clean dat shit himself.

I was thinking the same thing :rofl:rofl:rofl

If you don’t back to black the bumper and skirts I swear to god I will kill you. And yes this is a written threat.

^ Ban 1

ban 2

it will get prettier with age, right now I like the ugly.

put some goo-gone on it for a bit and let it sit then it will look MINT!

Grab a clay bar kit and see what happens

back to black is JUNK, shoe polish is wheres its at


N I G G A why you hollerin

Back to Black seems to wear off.
Ive done it to my bed rails, mirrors and running boards several times but they keep fading again.

Im surprised a BMW would have unpainted bumpers- I thought that was only a cheap shitty car thing.

Adam’s Polish V.R.T FTW.

show dye FTW, worked great on all of my MK2s and the Palestinian limo too

You’re all morons. Peanut butter FTMFW. If benjami Fizzle was just going to unoxidize that shit he would like any smart man use peanut butter. The oil penetrates better and restores the moldings original color versus dying the shit.

Actually I’m just going to paint them probably :rofl

kramer told me if you piss on the car it will detail itself

Just take some fucking rubbing compound to it with a deep cut pad and shut the fuck up already.