so you think you can drift eh? well, even king kong don't go shit on this dude!

choku dori into manji FTMFW!!!

wow skill baby…plus damm dangerous…i didn’t do that but tried to do to prevent myslef from hitting a parked car…never again!!!, i fell broke my lower teeth, and gashed my right knee, sucks i now have permanent marks…

this guys got balls…respect.

hahaha thats awesome…bicycle dori dori LOL

Wow… that’s so much better than the arab doing the pedalling donuts…

can’t wait to watch this when i get home.

my bank’s network doesn’t allow video feed, therefore blocks it… same with streaming music -__-"

comon this guy sucks any one can skid side ways aslong as u have good v brakes this guy suck compaired to what other people are doing <object width=“425” height=“350”><param name=“movie” value=“”></param><param name=“wmode” value=“transparent”></param><embed src=“” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=“transparent” width=“425” height=“350”></embed></object>

lol damn, vlad better watch out, this kid might give him a run for his money hahahaha never seen a bike tire burnout before lol

this guy fukn sucks, get outta here.

going like 2km/hr

the guy i posted at least goes pretty fast. the guy u posted does donuts and other slow speed shit.

my guy > yours

plus my guy is asian.


And he doesn’t use stupid slick shit on his tire to make it slide…

ya that burnout shit kinda sucked.

other dude was givenr. lol