So you think you enjoy being white?

I am not racist. I have many different friends from many different ethnicity’s. It basically comes down to your educated people and your uneducated ignorant trash. On a side note, I HATE terms like African American/Spanish American/Chinese American etc. They just further segregate people into groups and further divide us. Until we can do away with these terms there will never have the racial equality that we should have. I or one believe that if you’re an American then you are just that…an American. I highly doubt that 95% of the “African Americans” in this country really came from Africa. My great grandfather came to America from Austria…does that make me an Austrian American? NO. It makes me an American, because that is where I am from…America…period. I don’t see why that can’t be good enough and you have to put a prefix in front of it. If you’re an American say it with some fucking pride, don’t try to hide it with another term.