
by CC i meant bank card :lol. i have never, and will never get a Credit card. i pay for everything in cash. if you dont have the money, you shouldnt be spending it.
For the DJ she wants this guy that did her two friends weddings and her moms a couple years ago. i was just gunna save money and hire one of my friends that has been DJ’ing professionally since HS in clubs in the albany area. but w.e… im not fighting about it. if she wants to spend 600 for 4 hours so be it. Lol.

Florist is actually a family friend. i forgot her shop, but its on troy-schenectady rd, kinda across from juilet house of brides. saving TONS there.

we arnt doing speeches either. F that lol

5 hour open bar. in a way is a stupid idea. not that it has its benefits like drunken mishaps… but i didnt want friends and family sloshed. :lol i sure will be :angelsmiley. they offered us open bar for the night and it saves us over 1500 cant rememebr the exact number. Our orig budget was ~10k. were in the 15k range now :lol trying to have a small wedding ~100 or so people, and save the money for the honeymoon/buying new cars for the both of us.

we are having a small wedding as well. 90 people its starting to look like. Like I said, we are doing 5 hour open bar, one hour cocktail etc…however, the open bar is included in the food total as well which is a buffet style setup…our total is under 7k right now for everything. Food, liquor, cocktail hour etc. etc and we have 20g’s to spend. We are keeping it low key because with the extra money we have, is our down payment on a house. I might even sell my camaro/quad to add into the down payment to get the house on the property we want. Toy’s can come later down the down…right now, being 23 I would like to settle down. Get financially set and play time will come down the road.

BTW, open bar makes the party IMO. I have been to many weddings with/without alcohol and the ones without are always boring. Alcohol makes the new family’s mingle and have a good time.

me and my girl are trying to make this not only fun for us, but the same level of fun for our family’s.

i got married a month ago… ceremony and reception was at Longfellows in Saratoga. It was a lot of money but we saved for over 5 years so we could do it all on our own.

BTW, we had a blast and Longfellows was AWESOME…

my uncle had a wedding there and we go eat there all the time. Place is awesome

friend of the family got married there 4 years ago… awesome wedding!

Me and Rita(YoRita on here) are thinking about having our wedding there. We also started like figuring out how many guests we are going to have and… about 200-250 100-120 are family members we both have HUGE familys. We are shooting to broke doing this trying to stay between 10-15k and shooting for HOPFULLY fall of 2011 or spring of 2012.

been to italy twice. it was ok.


good job on the weight djauggie. your knees probably love you for it.

holy Sh1t!!! only 7g… i think photographer/videographer/dj was more than that! prolly doesnt help that we have 22-+ppl going either

Finished designing the Save The Dates. We are going on vacation for 1 1/2 weeks so I will be sending those out when we get back. Invitations will be designed by a buddy’s wife as she is a graphics designer. I just suck at anything artistic.

Finally decided on Rome, Florence, and Capri for 18 days. Trying to find the cheapest first class tickets possible. Crystal recently flew first class (free upgrade for a business trip) and she is all about it. I tried to put out this fire but I failed miserably. Also, she informed me of a really nice gift she got me for a ‘wedding gift’. Seriously? What the fuck is that? Sigh. Never ending.

I am flying my parents down in October for a food tasting at the venue. I am not sure what to expect there but at least we can see if something crazy stands out.

Finalized guest list at 185 people. My mother tried to squeeze my first cousin who ditched the family for over a decade and recently came back on holiday’s mother whom I can’t even remember her name nor waht she looks like. She got mad because I said no. We have friends that can’t come due to # of guests. She thinks I am going to invite some cousin (whom I don’t like)'s mother? Please.

Crystal has her dress, shoes, and head band from Henri Bendel. The girls got their dresses/shoes from JCrew and head band from Henri Bendel.

I am not sure where I am going to get the suit. Given the weight loss, I need to have my fitting a few months before wedding. I think we are going to go to some place in Manhattan. It’s going to be simple and Hugo, Ralph, or CK. I am not 100%. I’m going with Crystal to get some ideas.

I was going to go to AC with the guys for the bachelor party for a great steak, a boxing match, bars, and a bit of gambling. However, Crystal is going to Las Vegas with the girls. So, I pulled a fucking man card and we are going to Puerto Rico. I’ll surprise the boys last minute when we head to JFK instead of AC. :slight_smile:

Finally, some down time for a month or so and then need to finalize invitations and start talking about the little details.


I LOVE PR. I can’t wait.

We just officially started wedding planning. We got the venue picked out it is NOTHING like your wedding but it will be fine for us. We are shooting for Orchard Creek Golf Course in Altamont. We are going in the next month or so to pick the date and and crap. Ugh let the fun begin.

Everyone is different. Do what is best for you.

Why is it different than my venue?

I meant price wise lol

Nice man card move!

Yea, we are lucky to have the ability to push the envelop a bit. Or, I am unlucky. Both I guess are true. :slight_smile:

But, do the little things to make it special for you. Honestly, do you want to spen the rest of your life looking at pics, vids, and all the memories after not putting in your best effort? I think the little things can really seperate it. Hell, we are having picture frames with us (and Newman) even in the shitter.

word. I am afraid she is going to pull a joker and do me up!

Ouch. Say goodbye to a few more Gs.

Are you looking for first class, or business class? They’re pretty much equivalent except first costs even more. The difference between business and economy is already like 2 or 3x, at the minimum.

Totally not worth it if you are paying out of your own pocket, in my opinion.

First class or economy, they get there at the same damn time.

If your fiancee flies a lot maybe you can just use her miles to upgrade, instead of paying out the wazoo. Or go in economy and get the bulkhead seats for maximum legroom.

They’ll probably serve liquor in the economy cabin on an international flight anyways, so all you’re really getting for the $$$$ you will spend is like your own TV set, a seat that leans back more, and a wallet raping. If she says the food sucks, hell just grab some nice food at JFK or Newark and bring it on the plane…

Hell give me the money you’ll save and I’ll buy an economy ticket, sneak in a couple of Morton’s steaks, and serve you my damn self… And have some $$ for mods left over.