Soda "pop" tax

mexico?! haha… mexico is corupt as hell and the bandits run the place…you’d be better off drinkin out of a toilet here too!.. Go ahead move to mexico.

T-bone steak, cheese, eggs and Welch’s Grape —Biggie

OMG shut the fuck up u lil girl. dont act like ur fat.

diet has less to do with it than heridity does. i seen fat fucks eat salad and i see skinny fucks eat mcD’s every day. sure if ur destined to be fat eating bad isn;t gonna help but why should the rest of us pay for it. the fuckin do gooders need to stop fuckin with capitalism and places like Pizza hut and MCdonalds need to keep sellin the shit they sell and stop with the natural pizza and the fuckin wraps and salads… fuck that i’m goin to 5guys for a bag of grease.

kids are spoiled now. kids would rather fantasize about playing football through madden than go outside and get dirty. this is why there is an influx of foreigners in amrican professional sports…the american kids are too lazy. poor ghetto kids play a lot of madden too but they also go outside and run amuck through the ghetto while the white suburbian kids still sit inside. its also because we stress too much sportsmanship in youth sports ( everyone gets a trophy, we"re all winners) FUCK THAT SHIT… nothing was more important to me than gettin that big trophy in little league, that actaully meant you accomplished something. this nurture shit is for pansy ass hippies and i’m sick of it. i wish we could just break up into several countries, liberal wacks, drive by shooting animals, red necks that think the south will rise again and then everyone else that has a realativly good head on their shoulders that still believe in the same values that were good enough in the 50’s when this country was thriving.

everything kids do now is some fucked up fantasy world. cartoons, video games… fuck… people would rather play guitar on a video game than actually learn how to do it. if you grew up in the 80’s and early 90’s…you are it… the last somewhat normal generation to grow up in america. People have become so weak and feble minded in this country that the libs do whatever they want and it never stops.

you know what my great grandma gave me to play with when she watched me… a hammer, a board and jar of nails and it kept me occupied for HOURS… stop spoiling ur kids and dont wussify them. if they are hyperactive, BEAT THEM TILL THEY ARE NOT and then tell ur neighbor to mind their fuckin business. dont’ drug them and label them with some fictional disorder.

exit stage right