Soda Vs. Pop

i drink coke so i ask for coke

pop here.

In georgia it is like nothing but coke. If you say the work slurpee to them, they say “frozen coke?” :stick:

Liter of farva


I usually call it what it is… or soda.

Not once have I called it coke or pop or soda pop or sody pop

Knobb creek and dr pepper tongiht

It’s usually whatever the name brand is for me.

And, Chad, that’s a good combo? Sounds weird. I guess I have to try it.

pretty good :slight_smile:

i hate soda/pop/coke what ever you wanna call it… i will grab a beer or water


Pop is the way to go soda can lick muhbag


whiskey > beer

yeah pretty much. Never say pop on a military base. or chipped ham. no one knows what the hell you are talking about. And pop is only a pittsburgh thing. Soda is a southern thing always will be.

WHAT!? Are you talking?

First of all, Pop is said over a large range of states- NOT just Pittsburgh. (Where my family lives they call it pop too.)

Soda is not southern. Coke is… and so is Pop. Soda is a north eastern and western thing… IF anything NOT southern.

pop > soda

Funny…i’ve never heard Soda used anywhere except down south and i’ve visited a good half of our states for extended periods of time

:hahano: i hear it all the time around here…its basically just what u were raised up saying and i was raised saying Pop

I guess so

jesus tittyfucking christ this thread is fucking gay.

just whoring through???