Sprinkles or Jimmies?

We had family in from out of state and had this debate at Hoss’s. So where else to get a final decision than Pittspeed?

i call them sprinkles.

i call them sprinkles.


of course you need to be the homo that f’s everyone else up around here.

i bet you drink soda and order a large PIE at the pizza shop :reloading

must be 5 other homos

It is infact soda, but who in the hell calls it a pie?

Sprinkles by the way.

people from philly

i worked at a pizza place in state college and someone ordered a large pie. he was pissed off when a large fry was put on the counter for him. if you wanted a freakin pie atleast say plain or pepporoni.

ever since then i hate the term PIE oh yeah soda also from penn state because the east part of PA calls it that.

used to say jimmies but mainly say sprinkles now.

oh and i say pop instead of soda and shit.
down south some places you’ll ask for a coke and they’ll ask what kind :rofl:

i do call it “soda”, but i don’t call it a “pie”.

when i moved to eastern PA (at age 9), i lost my Pittsburgh accent, and my vocabulary is a bad mash-up of here, there, summers on Cape Cod, et cetera…

I’m too stubborn to change the words I use from place to place.
Still Soda, still sprinkles, still grinders.

jimmies and pop.



anything else is just wrong.


get the fuck out.

what are you? 65?

Hahaha motherfucker please… No one calls it bologna




Sorry but has got to be Jimmys

its sprinkels, pop, and pie