SOLD delete

yea well i know that. i dnt think im going to part it out just yet. maybe in the future but for right now i wanta see if i can sell it whole. its such a nice car i dnt wanta rip it apart.

bump cuz i wanta sell this

8 g’s is a lot more capable through parting out then selling whole

ill take lower

Unless you’re starting at 4k, you aren’t even in the right universe for selling that car. It’s a stock single cam with a turbo kit and a lot of ricey parts. Sorry for being blunt, but your pricing is asinine.

4k…? are you crazy

wings west body kit and underglow… are you crazy.

thats what its worth son lol, i got 11 grand into mine and i have a stage 5 hahn kit, ill never see more than 3 grand for that car, when you soup up a car you should do it for you, if you were doing it in the hopes of re-selling it for more, well you my friend started with the wrong vehicle

Try a Viper next time

thats true ^ you might get a little more out of it but not 8 grand for 8 grand most people could buy something way faster or something better then a neon not saying there bad just how most people think.

lol initial 30k investment for an EARLY model

yea i understand that, but its worth a lot more than 4k

How do you determine that it’s worth more than 4k?

i understand youll never get what you put in it, but with the cars i see for sale, that are in horrible shape and dnt have one third of the parts and stuff that i have in mine, that are selling for 7 or more then i determine that its worth more than 4k

I haven’t seen more than a handful of 1g Neons EVER sell for more than 7k and I’ve been around “the game” since 2003. Prices aren’t going up. :lol:

anytime you modify something it loses value, unless its done by hensessey, lingenfelter, of hefner performance, and thats vipers, vettes and gt40’s, o and lambos

idc if you part it out i just want those seats and i have replacment seats to put back in the car, and that dash too!

ok well as of rightnow imnot parting it out, if i do ill let you kno

hey buy that from terry?

yeah kev
he did buy it from him

yea i did