SOLD: xbox 360 RACING WHEEL / forza 2 (now w/ pics)

SOLD to a forum member, thanks, GL racing :wink:

forza 2, there are no scratches on the disk at all, just some lint in the pic

did you at all enjoy using it for forza or did you like the controller better

thereā€™s is NO friggin comparison. The wheel OWNS the controller.


Hmm imterested thats my fav game for 360ā€¦ but i really dont know if i could actually drive better with it lol

I shaved about 3-4 seconds off my best ā€œcontrollerā€ laps the first time I used it, which was also my first time using a wheel. Now I wonā€™t race without one.

I have the logitech gt wheel and the ps3/gt5p which is why Iā€™m selling this one.

I do pretty good without, its just hard to consentrate on beating the game its too easy to make money and waste it on shit. Ill look into it, deffinitly want pics! Ill research to see if there is anything better also.

Tell you what. I havenā€™t played forza 2 in so long I donā€™t remember the game, and you say youā€™re pretty good with the controller. Lets race and if I (forza noob) beat you with the wheel, you buy it :wink:

Iā€™m working on the picsā€¦

LOL 2 player sucks digital tach and the split screen I mess around and drag race my friend on Sebring :(. Sounds fun though were u from u can pm me

I was just kidding I would probably get owned unless there is suzuka or fuji track in the game. Canā€™t forza 2 do online multiplayer?

There are better wheels but I donā€™t they work on the 360. Iā€™ll take like $50 lowest. Iā€™ll get pics up tonight I have to unearth the box from my basementā€¦


forza 2, there are no scratches on the disk at all, just some lint in the picsā€¦
