
I’m looking to buy either the Xbox 360 or PS3. Pretty much to play racing games and maybe the odd shoot’em up game.
I’m also looking to get a wheel as well. Reading forums I’ve got some insight, but I’m wondering if anyone can share their wheel experience.

  1. Is 900 degrees of turn necessary? $300 vs $100 worth it?
  2. As I’ll be playing racing games, is there a wheel that works well with both Grid and NFS on either system?
  3. I’ve only seend Xbox graphics, how do they compare to PS3?

Thanks guys.

xbox - forza
ps3 - gt5

which do you like more?
all the other games are multi platform.

I can take or leave either one. If I had to choose GT5, but I’m more concerned about the racing wheels. Xbox 360 arcade is $229 and the wheel is $90, PS3 is $299 and the wheels range from $150 or so to $300. Looking to keep the costs down, but if the PS3 wheels are better overall, I’ll spend a little more.

get a ps3 then.

its the better system of the 2 in all honesty.

I’m used to the original Play Station so either of these systems is a jump up for me…
Looking for racing wheel experience/feedback. Being used to PS I have a hell of a time with the pressure sensitive buttons.

i can be bias as i have a 360.

i have no problem with my 40 dollar wheel i got (good 'ol kijiji :slight_smile: works fantastic, even my friends that suck at racing games find using the wheel is much much better fun factor.

or you can check out these wheels, some work for all platforms (xbox/ps3/PC)
^ artical on forza page

i find the graphics for the 360 to be just awsome fine, that is if you have the tv to back it up. (1080p, HDMI wooo!)

and yes i CANT wait much longer for forza, if you like the ken block videos you can now experiment your own style at the hanger with a free download
ohh. and an 8 lane drag strip

./i have friends that have both systems, they say the controller is much better for the xbox, i agree.

whats even better is running the 360 with car games in your car and having a steering wheel mounted on the other side of the dash, my buddy and i just did this


Get a PS3 with the Logitech G25. Once you go 900 degrees + clutch you won’t look back.

You can play GT5P for the time being until GT5 is released (hopefully sometime around March, 2010).

You could also try NFS Shift and Supercar Challenge in the meantime.

You’ll probably find more shoot’em ups for the 360 though, but Uncharted was pretty awesome for PS3 (and Uncharted 2 was just released).

If your main focus is a good wheel, then get a PS3. You have one decent game to play (GT5:P) to hold you off until March 2010 for the full GT5. The G25 is not compatible with the 360.

I play with the $100 MS wheel on the 360 with a ton of dope games and like it. Even after owning a G25 with GT5:P, LFS, Rfactor, etc.

What’s the purpose of that clutch…I mean, how did they incorporate that into the game…I’ve played with the L G25 and it’s really nice but that was GT4 so the clutch was just there.

anyways…I’d go for PS3…I found that GT is more realistic (but then again…I started with GT and I’m comparing to the original forza…don’t hate me)

Dude get PS3, then we can race in GT5 when it comes out. or play socom its a good game too. PS3 man!

once you touch a logitech wheel you will never, ever want to use anything else. madcatz are terrible. my logitech wheel had a sticker saying to be careful with small children cause it can cause them injury.

360 has better online and better controllers.
ps3 comes with a built in wireless adaptor and free online
shooter games that are multi system are pretty much the same on ether system.(on ps3 you can use tacital flip for cod and it makes it like an xbox controller)
halo is only for 360 as is forza and gears of war.
ps3 has killzone and uncharted 2 GT5.
graphic are give or take on ether system. but the ps3 does have bluray

Bottom line. i would say that if you want a multimedia system get a ps3(you can browse the web.) if you want a gaming system get a 360.

this thread sounds like comparing sr20 to rb20…sigh

Forza 3 is the ONLY game on consoles that fully supports the added Clutch pedal.

Also, since most if not all the arcade/sim racing titles (with the exception of Forza and GT) are cross platformed, your better off grabbing a 360 as well as either a Logitech G25/G27 or the Fanetic wheel.

Gran Turismo won’t be out until March, so yea… GL

xbox breaks… get a ps3!!! my xbox is broken and its pissing me off cuz i want forza 3

nfs shift is sufficient for now though…

one thing i dont like about shift is when online drifting is it doesnt show the oppenents runs. i guess im also just use to playing skate where it shows replays

Cool, thanks for the input everyone…