Confirmed compatiblilty Fanatec wheel and Forza 3

Some good news for you Forza buffs out there that have $500 to blow…

The Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S wheel and pedals (including gated shifter and clutch pedal) will indeed be 100% compatible with Forza Motorsport 3. Unfortunately there is no word of support for the Logitech G25.

mine should be here in a few weeks :slight_smile:

nice! I’m looking forward to forza3, hopefully the G25 wheel will work too, release date for 3 yet?

October 31

2 disks also, game is gunna be amazing

That’d be awesome if it supported the G25.

I just clicked that link and now I can’t wait to go home and see those vids! I didn’t know they are gong to have interiors too! That’s siqqq!!! Also 10times as many polygons as forza 2 makes me happy that it wasn’t just a updated version of 2

I wish MS would start showing some support for logitech’s offerings - if the G25 worked with the 360 I’d buy one in a second. As it is I’m tempted for gt4/5. The lack of support for a good stickshift wheel makes it feel like MS just doesnt give a shit about its racing sim fans.

the Fanatec setup is better than any of Logitech’s offerings IMO. I do agree that MS should support the “standard” of input devices in Logitech but there is no doubt they are looking out for us racing sim fans by supporting the Fanatec product.

So are the clutches on these like real life? as in can you slip the clutch and does it require the clutch to shift? will it stall out when not moving if you dont push the clutch in? etc…

I remember old games where the clutch was a joke and it didnt really do anything.

Well the game is a simulation racing game, so who knows but i would imagine the clutch will be used. This wheel can also be used for PC! which is sick!

it can be used with xbox, playstation, and PC

Nothing against the forza series, because they are great games. But gran turismo is much more realistic. GT5 if it ever gets released will be untouchable and should be relatively bug free. Thats why the prologue is out. Good move on their part.

And thats a cool wheel. But god knows nobody wants to spend $500 on it. They better make g25 compatible. Its a very comparable wheel for half the cost.

hahaha, Grand Thurismo is only good for used cars! It is unrealistic in comparison to Forza, exibit A. NO Damage!

Yes i like the GT series, but you can cheat and use the wall to make it around a turn. Hands down forza is better in so many ways!

They said damage will be in the full version

:tup: on using a proper gearbox and not that wimpy paddle shifting crap

The g25 has both, which is why I liked it. For the cars that didnt actually have a shifter in gt5 prologue (some ferraris, the nissan gtr etc) you had to use the paddle shift. It became impossible if you ever spun out and the wheel started spinning out of control. You never really could figure out which was up or downshift after that lol. Still its a pretty cool feature.

Also other thing i liked about the GT series was #4 they had nitrous, it was kinda fun if you needed to get ahead of someone.

I really cant wait for this game… i wish they had my car in it, i dont mind camaro’s but idk it would be sweet to have a Trans Am WS6 in it too. I heard they will have a Fox body.

Both games are worthy of purchase if you own one console or the other. Ill try and get my hands on both to be honest. I will say this though. If you are one that always played these games with a controller and you love cars…you owe it to yourself to buy a wheel with a shifter. Im not even kidding. Its intimidating at first because you arent used to actually shifting so fast and having to think so fast. But after a day or 2 of actual racing with the clutch and shift, your lap times will start to equal your controller times. After another week or so your wheel times will be a couple seconds faster than controller times. Pressure sensitive throttle and brakes make all the difference in the world and makes the game that much more involving and fun.

Problem is $500 is…wow. Even $250 for the g25 is a bit pricey, but thats the only other good alternative. There was a good thread in here awhile back that had a list of g25 mods to make the shifting and such a bit more realistic. Something else to consider I guess.

It’s actually $330 for the wheel with the standard plastic pedals (similar to the G25’s). The $500 setup is with the “clubsport” pedals.

*  Solid aluminum construction which feels like in a real race car
* Original dimensions and proportions
* Distance between pedal plates can be adjusted to allow heel&toe technique
* Height of pedal plates can be adjusted to match foot size
* Spring strength can be adjusted on gas and clutch
* Vibration feedback motor on brake pedal to indicate blocking tires. The driver software calculates this moment based on the telemetry data received from the games.
* Contactless magnetic high-precision sensor on gas and brake with unlimited lifetime
* Pressure sensitive load cell sensor on the brake. Control the brake force with muscle tension instead of movement
* Realistic brake pedal dampening created by special PU foam made in Germany and used in the car industry in shock absorbers. Ultra strong and smooth.
* Adjust the maximum brake force with a rotary switch on the pedals and independent from software. Choose from very soft to super heavy.
* Possibility to mount the pedals directly to a cockpit

my god that is expensive

i’de rather save the money and do some track days