soldier uses quran for target practice

Keep telling yourself that

So because of this, Christianity must preach violence, hatred, and killing?

Because some zealots choose to hide behind a religious idea and kill people, a whole single religion gets the blame?

I will fully agree that on a whole religion is to blame for nearly if not all conflicts, but it is not because of a specific religion. It is because of a few nutjobs who manipulate sheep.

For fuck sake, its a book. Get over it.


Quran… Bible…

They’re just fucking books.


I agree, they are just books. But some people are very passionate about their books and feel they represent something more.

And by disrespecting someones personal beliefs makes you no better than the ones who twist religion into something it is not.

Makes up for all the American flags that were burnt in protest.

The difference is that in the US, if someone shoots a bible or something its not going to cause houndreds of people to go freaking out and killing everyone.


really, you are right. I hate to say it, but it seems to me that the pussification of this country lately is bringing us down. People do not see us as the world-power anymore it seems. In the last 100 years, I dont think we got to be where we are by having to say, “sorry for blowing a hole in your book guys”

no, we were racist kick-ass motherfuckers!

I doubt we said sorry to the Nazis for burning their flags.

the Bible is the number 1 selling fiction book ever.

So If i shoot a steven king book will a bunch of fucking crazy shit happen?


God I hate Fundamentalists.

Fuck religion, Fuck it all.


  1. Burning a Flag and Shooting at the Quran are two different things. The Quran is a holy book for a religion which 1.5 BILLION people follow. A religion that is also a LIFESTYLE which they live breathe and eat. Disrespectful to more 20% of the world. The US flag is virtually meaningless compared to that. How many people are willing to Die for their country in the US. Less than 75%. Islam I’ll bet almost every person would die for their religion its just that much more important to them.

  2. Great if you feel the Bible or Religion for that matter is fiction. I think its fiction, but I would NEVER tell someone that their life was all a big lie.

  3. Not All Muslims are terrorists. Thanks to everyone who likes to think that.

  4. Complete embarassment to the armed forces.

  5. I hope and I’m sure he will be dishonorably discharged and put into Jail. I would have prefered he killed a dog, while in drag while sucking another dudes dick than do something like this.


I just hate all Fundamentalists regardless of their religious or other orientation

:clap: good for you.

That still doesn’t mean you or anyone should be disrespectful to what 1/5th of the world believes in.

Oh and I just read the “Its just a book” from who ever posted it. Its not just a book to the Islamic people:

Muslims believe the Qur’an to be the book of divine guidance and direction for mankind, and consider the original Arabic text to be the final revelation of God.

If the story was run that they found a terrorist using the bible for target practice would it be news?

Give the soldier a slap in the wrist and move on. He’s the one spending day in and day out fighting these asshole extremists using that very book to justify blowing up women, children, and anyone who doesn’t believe in their book. Cut the guy some slack. When he starts using innocent Muslims for target practice then we can talk about charges and dishonerable discharges.

ILC im not saying that anyone should be disrepectful to anyone, all relgions and groups have their crazies, not just muslims.

Crusades should ring a bell

The Quaran is full of text that directly says KILL all enemies of Islam. KILL and DESTROY. All these guys have to do is point a finger to fill in the blank and have a TARGET. Other religions amended their texts to reflect social change and progress. Their leaders taught and supported these changes. The Islamic leaders havent done SHIT. They are still following century old traditions and religious writings. The religion is as much to blame as the nuts doing the bombings. It SPOON FEEDS the radicals ideologies of hate and murder that require little effort on their part to convince others of their “PATH” in life.

You wonder why so many regular people freely choose to be suicide bombers… their religion has a how to book with some fill in the blanks

your crusades example is baseless. It happened how many hundreds of years ago? Was it repeated? What day is it today and what is Islam still doing WORLDWIDE ?

I somewhat agree with Jack on this one. Though not all muslims are radicals…many of them are. It is an incredably violent religion. While other religions preach to love your fellow man and to help them, the muslims kill them because they are enemies. Christianity in today’s time “join us or not, we love you the same” Muslims in today’s time “Join us or die”. Such is the way it seems anyways.

hrm. Never knew, will def read up on this. good info guys :tup: