Jesus Rifles!!!

The short and sweet:

References to biblical inscriptions found encoded in military rifle scope sereal numbers.

Fat white dude and “know it all types” claim that it violates rules and regulations and that we are making this a holly war because of this.


What? Link or something please…


“Sereal numbers”? Really? I’m trying to decide if “cereal numbers” would have been better or worse. :slight_smile:

Super Sereal.

Sorry oh mighty NYspeed spelling policeman. In my defence I just woke from a nap. lol <<<Just found this havent yet read through.

Originally found on

I’ve known about it for a long while. Has nothing to do with a holy war it’s a severe spin. The owner of the company that makes the ACOG scopes is a very religious person and wanted it on there.

ieatpaint wins at this thread.


My first time hearing about it. I think its kinda cool. I just think that a small group of people are making a big fuss out of a small thing. In all honesty I doubt that many people knew of this untill now.

it was a stupid thing to do. Not because of what we think or know, but because of how the enemy will use this against us as proof we are coming to convert them by force. In other words what we have done is recruit more terrorists for them.

Even if we ARE coming to convert them…who cares?

THEY CARE, they care a LOT and they will put more planes into our buildings to stop it.

Honestly it was a feel good thing for american soldiers. If you want to blame anyone for this, blame the media.

you want something for the media to go after? How about soldiers yelling “Deus vult” as a battle cry while I was in Iraq.

It doesn’t take much to recruit the ignorant,poor, uneducated. They also recruit terminally ill people for many missions. You could honestly make something up and they’d believe it. Don’t believe everything the media is telling you.

Major Konig > Jackson

And you really think that taking this stuff off our rifles is going to stop that? Okay Fox News.

I didn’t say that. it doesn’t make any difference now as I’m sure they are already using this against us in the training camps. I do blame the media as it didn’t matter when they didn’t know, but then again, not doing it would have been the best idea.

We need to stop letting the Politicians and the Media run this war.

We just need to move to Canada.