Some awesome engineering right there...

Hopefully OT doesn’t require a password to view this…

it does

Damn… ok, fail for now but I will recover. Hold on.

Edit: Going to take the pics too long to upload. Will try to fix tomorrow.

Crap… this is not working out well… lol. I tried quoting the post so I could just copy/paste but its not working at all since the original post was a quote from another forum… so my only option is to save all of the pics from it and repost them here… which will have to wait til I get home from work; unless anyone here is a member on OT and can figure out a way to copy/paste the posts. Sorry for the fail.

This fucking thread sucks.

I agree… OP must be :gay


You cant just get us the link to the pictures directly? of whatever it may be?

Or even throw the subject matter in google and get it from another source.

You sir have some great ideas… never even though about that.

And without further adoo (or however the fuck you spell it):

In the end, the car turned out pretty nasty, but with some of the welding / engineering it CANT be very safe or reliable… lol. I’m all for junkyard builds, but some of the work is just pure laziness.

Didnt read the whole thread but I dont think this is the same car…but 1320video did it before trying to make a PINKS project


Thats awesome haha

uuugh i love that thing.

It is not the same car. That one was actually reference somewhere in the thread iirc.

The car itself runs like a beast (from the videos) and is a nasty car… it just would have been nice to see a little more effort put into some of the build. Bolts are not good structural components for making diagonal braces… lol. And I’m not sure why there is a 3’ ground wire looping around itself and grounding within 6" of the fuel pump (with a real crappy screw as a ground which WILL vibrate loose over time and cause the pump to cut out)

sloppy mechanics is definetly a fair name. Cool project, but damn thats some bad workmanship/lack of give a damn.

yea i lold at the head stud nut combo, just some home depot threaded rod and matching nut welded on there