Some of our projects!!

I wouldnt use the word stiffed. You were looking for a cheaper solution for getting your headers coated, and I said right from the get go “Yeah I can do it, but I have yet to try it, test it and wouldnt accept the work from you until I did.” Its not like you paid for something and didnt get it… that would be getting stiffed. The “I can do it” part meant sure I can clean, spray the coating, let dry and cure it. But you are looking for a polished finish, that from my research from the coating company says after its cured it needs to hand, machine or better yet vibratory polished. The time it would take me to figure out the process, and then polish by hand (which is a royal pain in the ass) after the cure would be easily 6 hours time, more than likely more. Costing me valuable time getting other things already in the building done.

I dont like saying NO, flat out… I explained what i could the best I could what would be the hold up, so if you didnt like the terms choice was still yours to get it done else where. Its hard to say no to friends… but in the last 2 months I am seeing that its more of a need to say no, than a want to.

no hard feelings, if you need it done, go get it done. I am just not in a position to undercut the competition as much as my est was, and just wing it the first time on a customers piece.