Some of our projects!!

I am gonna call you “the baker” doin all them pies. lol

yeah I took one with it open dump when i cut the old stuff off and had to move it out after I tacked up all the parts and needed the lift.

And ill get one of it when its done too.


I need a welding jacket with that on the front pocket!

looks awesome

Looks great homies.

i like those tips, look manufactured.

thanks! They were easy to make actually. I have one in my head i am making for my Jetta too. Ill post that up soon too.

F150 Exhaust is done! looks sick, sounds great. MP… ENJOY IT BUDDY!!!

video coming soon!

Customer brought a MK3 VR6 Jetta to us that wasn’t running good, and only had 56Kmi on the clock. Ended up being 10 deg out of time. Why? Because broken chain guide. Customer was VERY luck too, take a look (this is what we saw when the cover came off!)

What happened is the plastic ear on the guide broke and the bolt vibrated its way out, got kicked by a gear and some how, some way SAFELY wedged itself BEHIND the guide. :dunno

So out comes the motor and here we go:

Thanks to who ever sent this guide, it was .250 to wide at one point, so instead of ghetto dremmel tool action we turned a lathe into a mill :rofl

Buttoned it back up and set the timing.

Back into the jetta:

Broke the brittle coolent temp tube…

So back to the lathe with a chunk of solid aluminum. Bored the ID, cut the OD, added flares to hold the hoses, drilled and tapped the NPT port… Much better:

Happy VR6 again!

Started on the new BIG oven for powdercoating. 4’X4’X6’. 20 Ga sheet, 20 ga steel studs, insulated, 6’ heavy duty piano hinge for the door, digital PID controller for the 9K watts of heaters, etc. Why spend $3500+ when you can build it for half that?!?! :rofl

Here is Kevin after hanging the door and calling it a night.


Should be ready to fire very soon!!!

New bumper & fender for Norwoods WRX.

Customers 636 stunt bike. Needs a highchair seat tank mod, spin some pegs for the front and rear sets on the lathe, need to make a cross hoop to support the rear set/sub frame when it hits the ground, and some powder coating work maybe.

Last but not least. It started with a tree limb across the hood:

So we put a new hood on it and painted a new fender…

Then we cut out and replaced the classic WRX rusty rear quarters and blended the fender 7 bumper.

Next up, some custom powdercoating for wheels, and calipers. Then :pop… Lets just say Amanda will carry the CRC name this show season proudly. Welcome to the team Amanda! :hug

Everything looks great gentlemen. I’ll have to swing by some time.

Welcome anytime Kramer! Call my cell ahead of time to make sure we are there and not too crazy busy so we can shoot the shit!

busy…ha. every time i’m there your all sitting around eating…lol

Nom nom nom. You always arrive at the best times!

next time i will bring a lunch bag and a 12 pack.

Haha thanks man I cant wait for that video. Even over these shitty phones down here it sounds sick though. I am 110% satisfied man. I will be down when I get home to shoot the shit and finally meet everyone at the shop and thank you in person.

Any idea on prices for powder coating services? Looking to get the stock wheels powder coated

these guys hooked me up with my headlights



Pm on its way. I dont want to publicly disclose any estimates on the powered coating work quite yet. I still have some market research, electricity and overhead concerns with the new oven and system, etc… all that stuff to consider before I plant firm figures in the soil.

Thanks for the pics Jake! See ya later bro.

Some videos of the F150. Not the best, I know. it was cold and rainy when we shot them. It is the best we could do at that time.

Looking good guys, keep it up.

That oven is looking good, what kind of heaters are you using?