Some people have nooo respect

So I was out with my icy hot whip the other night just cruzin and stylin with my new APC hubcap spinnaz. Come out this morning and WTF my spinners were stolen :eyebrow::rant: I swear man you work hard for nice things and people get jealous and have to go and do something like that. :mad: And they were authentic APC too :cry:

Anyone sees someone sportin hot 14 inch spinnaz lemme know cuz its beatdown time!



shit man how much did you fo those apc’s…must have taken you foreva to save up fo those bling bling spinnaas. 14" too??? wow those are custom sizes must have raised the value evenmore.

lol… a set of these got stolen @ my work as well. I thought it was a joke initially, but when I laughed in her face, she took offense :gotme:

holy jeez…I wouldn’t BUY those things, let alone STEAL them. my winter wheels are 15" anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

im just wondering why someone would only want two of them…:tdown: to assclowns

lol actually i got em from mrsmith for free. :lol: i just thought it was hilarious someone wanted my hubcaps so bad :lol: i only had 2 so i guess now its time to throw back my CCW hubs back on fer reelllzzzz

:lol: are u serious? someone stole your spinner HUBCAPS?!! oh wow

man you got the spinners that had tons of history on them stolen??.. :frowning:

I know WTF :frowning: If anyone sees someone rollin deep on a set of 2 icy hot spinners please PM me so i can track them down and crack some skullzzzzzz

i had someone steal all 4 of my Chrome wal-mart caps at work once…i was like shiiiiiit that blows

Sorry Mike … but thoes crome bling bling are going to look hot saus an my Camaro :smiley:

people who steal suck the balls!!!

people suck…
i wanted to see your sweet spinnersssss…lol

got a pic so if I do spot them they can be identified? Is there a lug pattern on them too or universal?

prolly someone on the board doing it will see a pic posted of 10,000 hub caps getting burned

All I gotta say is:

Oh snap PLAYA!

UPDATE : Got em back! Turns out my friend ripped em off my car one night and threw em in his trunk. :tdown: I told him dont mess with my spinners man, thats just crossin the line. LoL it was funny though, we were goin skiing and i go to throw my ski boots in his trunk and there they are :lol: That bastard! Oh well atleast im pimpin once again in the icy hot prizm. :tup:


well as long as you got them back …those are dam expensive, replacing them would have required selling off something from the cobra project to get the $

your pimp juice all over again mang


I was going to insist on a collection from all of us…25 cents per member and we would have gotten you a new pair…but I see you have them back…so never mind.