Some personal screenshots of iPhone OS 3.0

No but I know of someone who is and they added my phone to the list of their developer account (to test etc)

I would have done it for the betas but the problem with that is that once you have 3.0 even in the betas you can not roll back to 2.2.1… Once you go 3.0 your stuck there

No MMS will not work on the AT&T netowork till later this summer… but it will work on 20 diff Cell carriers that the iphone is availible one :excited


It is possible to get MMS messaging now but it involves calling ATT say your testing the 3.0 software and it only works for a limited time…

ATT does not belive that their current network will be able to handle MMS on launch and is performing “Upgrades”

and so far the phone seems to be quite a bit quicker and its quite nice!