some poeple got shot near my house...kinda creepy

so yeah… there was a murder this morning like 2 blocks from my house…kinda freaking me out.

Amherst : safest city in america to get shot in

It doesn’t sound like a drive-by

Amherst Police say a gun was found inside the SUV.

Murder suicide

where exactly was that? thats fucked up… real fucked up

yeah i saw that after i watched the film…word in the neighborhood was that it was a drive by.

WIth that said, he has nothing to worry about now. Relationship gone bad.

oh my god some one got killed, grow the fuck up people it happens all the time all over. the funny part is the people that are the most afraid of going into bad area are the one that get there shit fucked up. Talk to me after being in kabreeny greens/robert taylor homes at 3 in the morn

thats crazy. way too close to home.

at leonardi’s pizza near longfellow and grover-cleaveland.

It was a murder suicide, not some random shooting lol

by the way… some guy got SHOT not shit… ughh fix ur title noob :wink: lol… id move if i were you… murders dont happen in buffalo… rofl

I thought this was some kind of pooper scooper story or something like that. hahaha

I drive into the east side of Buffalo almost everyday… murders happen. Get used to it lol

so brazen i kind of like it… we become so desensitized… its great…

It’s either that or live in fear everyday… :snky:

The guy was from Buffalo, the woman from Cheektowaga.

Can’t these fuckers kill each other in their own towns. Going to screw up our safest city in America ranking next year.

haha, awesome. i hope more people take the trip to kill themselves…


wow, Whats with it with ppl these days

yeah thats only a few block from my house, i live a few blocks off of longmeadow on the other side of grover cleavland/millersport

im suprised ive never seen your car around before…i kno of most of the ‘nicer’ cars around my area…where abouts do u liver over there?