Some shit is going DOWN in Cali right now. *This pertains to you gun-nuts

ohhh my fucking god that is EPIC and horrible all in the same sandwich.

plus rep eleventy billion benny

oh fuck I just noticed the buckets of chicken for health in that game in place of the medpacks.

4chan for the mother fucking win! :bowdown

Holy fuck lolololol

did you watch it to the end? cyber-terminator-demon :lol


Saw some news shit saying the DNA said it wasnt him. Im sure its media hype, just dont get why?

the government should FINE news and media outlets for publishing inaccurate information. Make an entire agency for it. They would make DUUUMB money off that.

But as mentioned, they (gov) already recieve dumb money to keep that from happening so it wont ever happen.


I did a google search and found NOT ONE thing about this. Except on some forum where a dude made up the story for LOL’s.

do you hate the constitution?



Im willing to bet somebody is blaming Obama for this

freedom of speech needs to be updated too!

i know where your going with this too

It is now confirmed to be his body. Now we will never know the true corruption of LAPD!