Getting pretty pissed that my father keeps putting off welding in new frame rails into my 280z, if anyone is upto the challenge let me know.
It consists of the following:
Old rusted to fuck rails removed (i can do this part)
Floor rust holes welded shut with patch panels, less then 3 square feet of welding
Putting new frame rails into place and welding them on
here is a basic picture of the area that needs fixing, its simple shit but i cant weld.
Welding frame rails is not as cut and dry as you think. Unless you don’t care about the outcome and just want new metal. Anyhow Turbociv on here fulfills my welding needs so ask him.
That’s a pretty easy job imo.
I’m busy as hell as of late, otherwise I’d do it for you.
Def take off the old rails though, I’d charge you up the nutsacks for that.
lowlyoilburner is a CWI and CWE if I recall correctly, so I don’t doubt he’s fairly handy with a welder if turbociv isn’t up to it.