My 91's rusted frame rails. *PICS* Repairable?

Hey guys,
I have been under my 91 allot this summer, and I have noticed that my frame rails are getting bad; and I would really like to do something about them before our next long salty roads winter.
I understand the only thing to fully repair a rusted frame rail consists of cutting out the rust, and then replacing the cut out metal. Well because I don’t have the tools or experience to properly do something like that, I need to take it to a shop.
So anyone who feels my cars worth salvaging; can you sagest a shop SO that does 240 frame repair?
Without the cost of a new car, is my baby even fixable?
Anything I can do to slow this process?

Drivers side:
Explore Andy J
Explore Andy J
Explore Andy J

Passenger side (bad side):
Explore Andy J
Explore Andy J
Explore Andy J

cut the rotten stuff out and box the rail. bring it to someone who knows what they are doing though.

if its repaired properly…the car will behave as it always was right? Back to normal?

If those are the only bad spots it’s probably salvageable. What I would do is buy the replacement frame rails that are for sale in the for sale section. Then either find a friend with a welder or have a shop weld them in. It will be way cheaper buying those frame rails than having a shop fab them up.

haha. That’s easily repairable.

i bet you 1/3 of the 240’s here are much much worse

my coupe looks like that right now

thats repairable

well there is a shop in Brampton i have already referred so many 240 guys on this site to, i also know of about 5 of them who have actually got the work done by this guy. also another guys car is there getting the frame rail done now.
anyways. this guy is so cool and down to earth and does an amazing job and wont rob you. check my past post’s you will find it.

any pics of his work?

this is all great guys thanks a ton

i dont have any piocs just yet, soultitude’s friend is getting his car done there rite now, you should ask him to take some pics. i will take pics next time my car is in the air. its tooooo lowww :frowning:

i would like to see this guys work.
what does he do? weld on new metal over the rusted frame rail (box the rail) or does he cut out the old rusted metal and then weld in a new frame rail?

Probably the cut it out which is what you want, no boxing it.

hey konvokiller, was the guy you were talking about from altered altitude?

Buy new frame rails, $70bux a piece at nissan. Get it done right.

YOOOO! where is nissan selling them from $70?

any nissan dealerships across the country.

I just recently heard that they stopped selling the S13 frame rails, but I find it hard to believe.

there was a thread on here that had the part number, but it no longer exists :(, So if anyone remembers what the part number is, please post it.

just got off the phone with nissan of burlington. and they have stoped making them… MOTHER F*****

^^^ Guy I sold My frame rail to must be EXTREMLY happy.

Even if they stopped making them, there has to be a few kicking around somewhere.

Back when I bought it, I also heard that They didnt’ exist but I asked, and 2 weeks later it arrived from Japan.

Good Luck