Somebody riced my car for me!?! Well kinda!

Heard some guying driving away fast outside, never bothered to see what was going on. Came out today to find a silvia sticker pasted on my car! :frowning:

Thanks for the sticker i guess, who ever you are!

lol that’s jokes

Shawn, or Matt you guys know who could have done such a thing. Randy winks at them.

i hate to break it to you (well, not really) but your car was rice before.


5 different colours and smoked tails?

Damn, son!

ah you beat me to it.

But yes, what he said.

Ahh! All that ugly is making me go blind!

rust is a colour too you know.

so that makes 6 + smoked tails?

if u cant afford to get ur car painted professionally … get a couple cans of flat black…etc and paint ur car like the rest of us.

fuck professional, hes getting me to do it

Because that looks soo much better… :rolleyes:

lmaoo this whole thing is jokes.

someone failed at pasting the a on that silvia sticker.

thats not even smoked tails lol thats like half smoked… LOL

lol randy, you shud’ve just posted a clear pic of just your rear so at least only the tails would get booked

lol, soners get off to cutting ppl up. It’s simply because they have nothing better to do with there life. Perhaps go read something and get an education?

meh atleast you dont drive it… that would be even more rice…

when do you get your g1?