who wants to go 1/2’s on a beautiful downtown Toronto apartment with me?
do you know anything about the canadian government, anything at all? or even about the people that are elected there? or that they disolved their governement in recent times?
humm…are americans really this retarded that they will just say lets move to canada because of this when they prob know just as little about the canadian politics as they do about american politics.
all that matters about canada is that they invented hockey… they gotta be some kind of smart motherfuckers to have come up with the best sport ever…
i like canada, especially vancouver BC. not french-canada… i know some people out there too so it makes setting up shop easier.
This is a great day for schenectady/Amsterdam…
Now THAT’s funny.
O heavens what a great post. Top shelf stuff. :idiots
“we are all screwed”
“were fucked !”
relaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx holly shit !
Either candidate would be in a tough spot though. Think about it, the market isnt so hot, economy is messy and we got this unfinished war that seems to be going nowhere fast.
I was talking to a buddy of mine from down south. He was saying the people would be PISSED. He said hes sure that a LOT of local cops are in the KKK and such. The south is furious, i bet.
We’ll see how this turns out. If he can fix the economy and finally end this war and maybe do something about the healthcare, why not? As long as the country is doing okay, they can use the magic 8 ball to be in office, for all I care. I’m for a good stable gov’t and good thriving economy and low unemployment rates with whomever in office.
yes, most americans think obama is going to pay their rent and fill their gas tanks, and maybe even buy them a pack of newports
have u seen some of the pictures of black people cheering for obama? seriously? do u think they have any idea of what they are cheering about besides “brother in the house”
mother fucking :+1
what nothing of the hookers? shame on you :lol
you do know one of the largest sections of the kkk is right down the street from us, right?
somtimes i think they are… :nuts
Theyre in Altamont from what Ive heard.
There used to be a paintball store on Broadway in Schenectady that I used to take my brothers to before they could drive and the owners had KKK stickers on their toolboxes in the shop and they definately looked like redneck klan members.
You do realize Canadians didn’t start hockey? The Scottish did, but never got the recognition for it due to a mass migration to Canada…and I don’t even like hockey…
And everyone is seriously overreacting about this whole presidency…but Bush must love it, b/c all of sudden no one cares about all the mistakes he’s made, now everyone is looking at would could but prolly won’t happen. Seriously how often does any candidate follow through with have the shit they campaign about??? And I understand the House and Senate are full of Democrats but everything still has to go through them first. Not all Democrats have the same opinions.