as am i!!!
I did know there was a chapter in the area. I have no idea how big they are. Enlighten us.
the new modern kkk of the knights of ku klux klan are not like the old kkk
Yea I figured that. I know it’s well organized and everything like that.
yea its not a bunch of crazy fucks like you see on tv and movies anymore, theres actually a couple diff. groups of them and they fight and conflict with each other. the kkkk is more of a i hate anything that isnt true american
John wants to join
We should start our own tight click. We’ll put all of our names down on a piece of paper, then never speak of it again. When we see eachother we just know we’re part of the group, but it’s so elite, that even the members can never speak of it after the initial formation of the group.
I’m down
i’m gonna butcher the name, but scoharie county has one of the largest chapters of the kkk in america. right down the street. and yea its not exactly how the kkk was back in the day but they still are the kkk. and i have no clue how big they are just that they are big.
another funny thing, unrelated, i guess a gang from troy was on gangland last week, scuba was telling me, fuck shit up or something along those lines, hardcore straight edge gang. funny cause the name deff. rings a bell, so if anyone has this episode, i want it. i need to see it.
have you ever heard of google?
oh…easy for you is a good whites are the only good people site.
FSU lawl~! fuckin queers. i r teh hardxc0re~! Buncha fuckin tuff-nutz who like to headwalk on 13 y/o girls heads and then molest them afterwards. They rationalize their 13 y/o girl touching attitudes by being straightedge. “welp i dont do drugs but I touch lil girls so its okay.”
I’m so fuckin sick of the music scene. I don’t understand how someone can base their whole entire lifestyle off a genre of music… it’s mind boggling how someone identifies themselves as hardcore or whatever else it is these days.
It’s one thing to live a life of a musician, its another to live in the shadow of your favorite band becuz u iz kewl.
lmfao at a gang name being “FSU”
well they got onto gangland…just make me wonder how much shit gangland makes up, fuck fsu was nothing but a bunch of people that couldn’t be part of albany hardcore getting mad about it.
the first rule of fight club is:you do not talk about fight club. the second rule of fight club is: you…DO NOT…about fight club.
where the fuck did this thread go? KKK???
the only KKK we should be talking about is Borg Warner.
lol Good thing I moved to D’burg… shit there’s a meeting in my backyard round the firepit this Thursday… ahaha
You guys a bunch of fools.
The whole thing was suppose to be a heist. He teamed up with McCain, Michelle and Palin to fake his presidency but really they were trying to steal the diamond of hope in the Smithsonian. They succeed and on their way to Tahiti, Obama decided to stick around to give the Whitehouse thing a shot, and convinced Michelle to stay with him. He was not even married to Michelle in real life.
They fooled you all!!!
my college is 70% black and Tuesday night when Obamo was elected there was a huge riot and every black person was outside chanting Obamo. I was walking back from my friends apartment. i was the only white person i saw. soon as i heard gun shot started to run :runaway aha it was pretty intense. if obamo wasn’t elected im think every black person would play the race card IMO
saw a dude with an Obama shirt at the bus stop today.