Someone had to start it v.Colts

Good point, but think about it from the Cardinal’s side:

Their season is already fubar, so they really wanna be “that team” that couldn’t spoil the Indy run
Would they like to be “that team” that popped up and took down Indy’s perfect season?

“If You have nothing else, play for the pride”



Maybe you guys, im a vagina guy all the way.

I prefer Richard.

You’re a guy with a vagina?

Sorry man.

If you’re hot I might hit on you.

BTW, Peyton FTW

Peyton’s O line FTW

Peyton has been playing how many games in a row? He doesn’t get hurt… why? Because his o line doesn’t blow and they do what they are supposed to do.

123 starts…

O-Line FTW, but with a 15-0 records and sites set on the big prize, You think they are gonna care about Arizona? I mean, for christs sake, it’s arizona…

dolphins 4L sorry… colts will lose… you have my word

i hate vick

Keys to beating Indy:

  1. Good running game to control the clock and keep them off the field- check
  2. Offense that can keep up with them- check
  3. Stop the run, make the colts one-dimensional- SD=#1 Run D, check.
  4. Manning will get his yards, but get pressure on him to force some sacks and mistakes, a la last years patriots: #2 in the NFL in sacks.

If anyone beats the colts this year, it will be san diego

the chargers will pull it out because they HAVE to win to make the playoffs and will be treating it just like a playoff game. i’m not saying they are gonna win by much but they will find a way

Dungy has already stated that the minute the Colts clinch home field, he is pulling the starters. Basically that happens the next time the Colts win and Denver loses. So if Denver loses, I don’t see the Colts going 16-0.

14-2 would be more realistic.

If Denver keeps winning, then who knows? :slight_smile: The Colts are definitely capable of pulling it off assuming the starters play for all the remaining games.

I dont know, I think SD will take them down

and Seattle will come close, but it will be a good game

i have faith in my jags

Jags will get housed, I dont see seattle keeping up, but the chargers could be dangerous. Id be suprised that they went 16-0 just bc there is no need to, but, its easier than having to blow up the city of miami to shut them up so