Someone had to start it v.Colts


Will they squish the fish?

14 12/11 @ Jacksonville Jaguars 1:00 PM
16 12/24 @ Seattle Seahawks 4:15 PM

NOPE…SAN DIEGO AND SEATTLE ARE GONNA BE TOUGH GAMES…I dunno if I like Jacksonville without Leftwich

I hope so, so we can stop hearing those Miami fags every year. We came so close twice, with the Bills only losing to them by 1 point in their perfect season, and with chi-town only losing to miami in their 15-1 1985 season. Id be an indy fan for life if they could get it done and squish the fish.

Go COLTS!! I think they have a great chance of doing it. I really want to see Peyton win the Super Bowl. He deserves it… he’s the best QB in football and when he wins it it will take the last thing that stupid Brady has on Peyton. A ring.

San Diego will be tough but Indy is better than them.
Seatlle will be tough too but they are better them as well.

All the others I wouldn’t worry about with how Indy has been playing.

You mean to tell me that Peyton Manning is the “most deserving” of winning the Superbowl?

That is my personal opinion… yes.

I hate manning

and SD will take them down.

Gonna be one hell ofa shoot out though.

LT will have a better pasing day then Manning :rofl:

who knows at this point…but it may just happen

I hope that it happens just so those friggin’ former Dolphins will shut the fuck up about their undefeated season. Every year as soon as a team goes 7-0 the talk starts.

I hate the Dolphins and I hate that they have this record.

They ave some very hard games coming up tonight being one of them. But holy shit if they do it they will be the best team in history. Going 16-0 is soooooo much harder now than it was back then.

uhhhh, i think that You need to lay off the hard stuff… lol

Indy > san diego

Seattle > Indy

although i dont think they will like i said before i would like to see it because in todays NFL its so hard to keep a good team together for a few years to actually get that good…plus i hate hearing about the Dolphins…and if they win superbowl undefeated styles their record will be what 19-0 or somthing

You must not realize that today is Tuesday… they already played last night fool.

holy shit where the fuck have i been?!?!?!?! You know what fucked me up? I just bought a new TV and its HD so i need to trade in my DVR for another reciever and i was watching all my saves shows and totally forgot about the game!

here is a good question…if they clinch 1st round bye home field and all that jazz…u think they will bench starters against arizona



That was my point in the poll…

I do not think that Dungy, nor Manning are that concerned about “recrod-breaking”. Been there, done that attitude apparent. They just wanna bring home the shiny football on a stick this year.

although with 2 stringers they can still beat the Cardinals…maybe they would start them for 1st half and get a lead then sit