someone ID this white skyline .. (kid says he lives in amherst and owns it)

wow this kid sounds like a mess lol

Nissan240sxPOS: did u get to race my buddy yet ?
irsh 17 : no
Nissan240sxPOS : well that blows
irsh 17 : yep verry much
Nissan240sxPOS: is your car turbo or supercharged ?
irsh 17: turbo
Nissan: cool
Nissan : i donno wtf im doing with cars, i just pay to have my stuff done, lol
irsh 17 : yea i just payed to have one of my hoses replaced yesterday
Nissan: what hose ? how much was it ?
irsh 17: nos leak i was lucky i caught it before something happend
Nissan: nitrous ?
irsh 17 : yes
Nissan: how much hp does that add ?
irsh 17 : my friend did the work i just bought the hose
irsh 17: it adds about 80 right now
Nissan: cool
irsh 17: yea
Nissan: have you taken it to the track at all ?
irsh 17: yes i was at laincaster for some cruse days but never raced on track
irsh 17: im now looking at some Lambo Doors
Nissan: that would be pimp
irsh 17: but there verry expencive its 1 ,500 just for the hinges that doesent include instalation becas they have to be profesional installed for a tight fit
irsh 17: other wise water might get in or they could fall off

Nissan: tha wouldnt be good
irsh 17: yea i just with they were cheeper
Nissan: have any more pics of your car ?
irsh 17: not yet
Nissan: did u put a bigger turbo on ?
irsh 17: no
irsh 17: so have you done anything to your car yet
Nissan: just waiting for parts right now, and for the shop to tell me they have time
irsh 17: oh where do you shop
Nissan: anyplace that has the cheapest prices
Nissan: i usualy buy online
irsh 17: yea me to i usuelly bye at becas if you spend a lot of money shipping free and sometimes you get free stuff
Nissan: what haven u got from them so far ?
irsh 17: neon lights switches floor matts
irsh 17: 7 inch montior
irsh 17: not installed yet
irsh 17: my friend is going to do it
Nissan: what shop does your work ?
irsh 17: if your looking for a shop then go to edited to protect the innocent, lol

i like htis kid alot

irsh 17: and there painter is amazing my friend jack went there and i was inpressed with the quallty of the work and the price
Nissan: cool
irsh 17: yea if i get the lambido doors im goinng to have them install them
Nissan: what kinda gauges did u use in your car ?
irsh 17: dono they came with car ive asked people but noone gave me a stright anser

coulda swore they were after marked speed racing gauges the other day, lol

irsh 17: so bye the way i told my cuzson tim and he waints to race you
Nissan: my car wont be done till next spring
Nissan: whats tim got ?
irsh 17: oh ok he was gonna come with me hes got a honda civic 1991
Nissan: whats done to it ?
irsh 17: it got a body kit blower rims
Nissan: blower ?
irsh 17: it forces more air into thr engine
Nissan: oh, like a turbo …
irsh 17: yep

his friends honda:

please hold while i find out where he got the pic (have original fine name this time)

does jc whitney even sell skyline parts

Youre a trip. :tup: :tup: lmao

There is no way that is anywhere in Western NewYork.

Look at the pavement. Def not WNY.

This kid is one huge Rofflecopter.

first off the car has no body kit lol, no blower, and its rhd. the kids on h-t i seen that car before

^^^^ linky ?

i want to say the car is currently located in jahpahn, but i cant be sure. part of the file name appears to be a username, and that username is all over japanese sites … thats the best i can currently do

Haha. If you azoom in, you can actually see the dash contour where the steering wheel would be on a RHD.

Is this kid for real?

I should IM him and tell him I have a 2jz swapped MR2. TT I6 y00000

if im not mistaken that car isnt from japan or here, its from the UK i think. ill would search for you but h-t search engine is down. onces its up ill find it for you

ill also post the pic up in the mean time to see if anyone claims it

i think the worst part about that picture of the honda is it clearly has no body kit. and for the gauges in the skyline they are defi BF. i had them they say defi right on them lol

posted time will tell if someone claims it…

people think it might be japan but h-t is world wide so maybe someone will claim it

yea that civic is DEFINITLY not in buffalo…look at the roofs on the buildings

yea def like NO tiled roofs is buffalo…




haaaa…did u IM him witth this link