someone is about to get pwnd at work....

explains it all

will it be the boss? or the lady?

Actually, that guy is in a pretty sticky situation. That is a Sexual Harassment lawsuit waiting to happen.

I am sure that a lawyer would love to hear from her.

thats what i’m saying, could go either way…depending

yeah, if HR heard about it, that guy would probably get canned.

if the girl is dumb, she’ll keep her mouth shut, if not she’ll speak up

its me

If she is smart, she will black male her way to the top.

This is mine and Willybeens business. Everyone shut up

Are you handy capped?

Was that freudian?


anyone care to quote the ad?

lol, black male, blackmail, same diff

haha I fucked up

hahaha i was just thinking that, I can’t tell if its freudian, just a slip up, or some kind of play on words

EDIT: Late Post

she could start banging all the black dudes at work. At least that would solve the size issue. LOL

He he the boss of the High School drama club or something. geeze

so why is everybody ignoring the fact that SKURGE found this in the missed connections portion of craiglsist?

fuck yea i read them every dam day, there’s some funny crap in there rofl

here’s what it says:

I am sure that you have but that doesnt mean you tell the other women in the office that I have a small one.Silly girl the other 2 have seen it before you and both seemed to enjoy themselves so keep your snotty remarks to yourself.By the way you are hot with your clothes on but not so hot with them off.Peace.
P.S. I am your boss so start treating me that way.


so you work at 6400 main i’m guessing? lol

no but a couple nyspeeders do