for some sort of information systems job…i HATE this area, PA gave me a grant to stay here and work for 2 years, 1/2 a year into after i grad what’s his name gov. decides that i HAVE to have an IT job for me to keep grants otherwise they’re loans…there is NOTHING in this area and i’m really pissed that they went and did that.
WOW that sucks
you need anyone at the shop lol…i can make web pages/;networks/and got good wrenchin skills hha
my step-sister needs a B/F.
she might pay you :tounge:
Originally posted by Shaggy
my step-sister needs a B/F.she might pay you :tounge:
Dont give him any ideas pal :slap:
Originally posted by Talonchick
Dont give him any ideas pal :slap:
Why do you care?
Originally posted by Sight N Sound
Why do you care?:tounge:
well… what do you know? i’m probably one of the guys to talk to…
well i graduated in may from PSU with an information systems 4 yr. we were one of the first groups to go through so we had a ton of stuff thrown at us pretty randomly so i have experiance with a whole lot from oracle to networking. my strenghts are networking and old school html but i’ve had 2 years of programming in pascal (long time ago) and c++ but never got beyond that because of school. i also have a nice background in business and customer support.
i guess i should also state that what has helped me a lot is my ability to pick up on things quick and problem solving. i noticed in your profile that you do network stuff, i didn’t have much of it at psu but when i was at tech school networking was all i did…although microsoft makes that shit easy now…but that was back with NT 4.0 networking.
so you’d consider a user end tech position?
whats the job description
help users with their bullshit… some other things
that’s pretty much what i did through school, in tech i worked with administration and at psu i worked with some professors.
I’m in month number 2 of my job search, i’ve probally sent out around 80 resumes so far…
thats weird…i got offered 2 jobs while working… took one of them, and got another offer.
you guys should find a headhunter
i’ve been on i also reply to job listings from 2 online sources one is the post gazette.
there are headhunters downtown, but you gotta keep whatever job til the company hires you on as full time or pay them mucho $$$
it usually comes out to be like 5% or something of what you “would’ve made” had you worked for that company for a year
just work at adecco until you get a job…