Someone threw a molotov cocktail through the doors of Chapel at Crosspoints Church.

Not sure. It was about 10-15 years ago.

If they followed Dave Ramsey’s then that is definitely NOT what they would be doing. He’s one of the few people out there that are actually doing something to improve America and ther mess it has become atm.

I heard that everyone that has been watching him since his show has been on are billionaires now!

Right, because basic common sense personal financial management is what we have an over abundance of! Clearly the current way of life is working out well for everyone! There’s nothing better than to be stuck in a cycle of debt for every single thing you own! While you’re at it, run for the hills and grab all those bars of gold Real and credible people advise on! :wink:

Financial discipline means bad!

haha. it was more of a joke based on an onion article. satire may be lost on some.

An excerpt (from The Onion):
[Host] Jim Cramer turned out to be 100 percent accurate with every stock he said to buy, sell, or hold; I started out by investing $600, and now I have a net worth of $4.1 billion,” said former dishwasher Paul Welling from the plush 100-seat TV room aboard his custom luxury yacht. “All I had to do was follow Jim’s investment instructions and then sit back as the millions upon millions rolled in every day for the past eight years. And actually, I myself watched no more than three times weekly, and today I own a media conglomerate.”

Read more: The Onion Slams CNBC

:slight_smile: I guess there are times when my Russian brain kicks in. In Soviet Russia, joke satires you!

if the church workers had guns, this wouldn’t have happened. #thanksobama

This video always cracks me up

If youre talking about the Chapel at crosspoint Im not sure what you mean “Crazy &^%#”
Theres plenty of other places I can show you that have crazy people…but the Chapel isnt one of them. I know what im talking about first hand. Everyone I have met there are normal and that place helps many communities out (here and over seas)
Join me and Ill show you theres no “crazy *^&%” there

      • Updated - - -

If your cousin really said this then he’s lying. They dont do this. They preach about money once a year and says there is no set %, give from your heart.

Mark 12:41-44New International Version (NIV) The Widow’s Offering[SUP]41 [/SUP]Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. [SUP]42 [/SUP]But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.
[SUP]43 [/SUP]Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. [SUP]44 [/SUP]They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

God doesnt need your $, he wants your heart


I only went there once and they tried to get dollars out of me then I saw a man who looked like Iggy Pop cry on a stage. Live and let live I say, but the place seemed pretty weird