Someone threw a molotov cocktail through the doors of Chapel at Crosspoints Church.


People are messed up.

There’s an ongoing feud in Lockport between the wiccans and the born agains. Which is hilarious to me because it seems so make believe.

That whole place is full of crazy fuckers. I attended a “service” with my brothers ex-gf’s family. I walked out to “check my phone” and ended up leaving because it was pretty much a fucking cult.

Religion as a whole is a cult.

Odd thing for you to create a thread about. Or isssss it…

This sounds so fake…


the born agains were mad that the wiccans were meeting at “their” friendlies for ice cream. I shit you not

Nyspeed ice cream meets?

Shit closed or else I’d be there to stir the pot

I did not even know they were born agains. I have watched the TV show on Sunday mornings and they seem to have a good message. :dunno:

That Amish Mafia show seems to have paved the way for other crazy “reality” shows. LOL

There not, it is a large non-denominational church. I am definitely not religious at all, I’d identify as atheist, with that said I have been to there services and it’s not really bad from others I have seen. It is definitely quite the production, however they do a lot of good for the community and I have no beefs with them.

That was my understanding of the place when I saw it got fire bombed I was pretty surprised since its the most non conforming church around

my bad, the born agains were from Lockport somewhere.

Nailed it.


+1 to the cult status. A cousin of mine went to join and they expected you to provide your tax returns annually so they could tell you how much you needed to donate that year to keep God happy.

religion is after all a business.

      • Updated - - -

I would be down for ice cream

I have never heard of that and know plenty of people that are members at that church.
Unless it was some Dave Ramsey class then all bets are off and that could be the case.

The news made it sound a lot worse. It is amazing that they did it on a day there wasn’t massive amounts of people there on Sundays. There is so many cameras in the lot between Fidelis, Citi and the Chapel, I don’t see this being hard to find the guy hopefully.