Someone's Crampin' My Style!!!


I met this kid accidentally once and he was hesitant to even give me his forum name because he “owed some people some money” and didn’t want them finding out where he was.

I guess I know why now.

The harness was fine, with was swapped out of a running vehicle previously and was in good working order.

There was no point in pulling out the plugs because the motor ran well and it was a straight swap. As far as Paul was told he only need 1 helicoil. If he needed 3 because the threads on the other 2 were also in rough shape, thats his own fault or whatever “shop” he had do the work for him. Because they were fine.

Besides a helicoil job is a joke, so doing a couple of them takes no time.

Neither one of you should be talking much about anything…

clearly your mario does not have the "P"wing so i don’t see an issue here hehe - to be back on topic that is.

I was thinking that, it does look show car quality…

wow this thread got shot off line quick!

i have one of them marios aswell not on my car though hangin on my workbench,.hehe but it will be hangin on there now,

Car does not warrent 2 spots, but it is clearly a P-winged mario. And you have a normal mario.

I see no real problem. He also has Ontario plates.

^ oh i so noticed and posted about the p-wing before you…

I have a luigi, so what?