Hey folks… I’m trying to come up with something that I’d like to get made in to a sticker to put on the rear window of my truck (centre window of a Ridgeline).
I, like most other people, spend a lot of time sitting in traffic staring at the cars rear-end infront of me thnking about who knows what so I came up with the idea to display a possitive and thought provoking message to people. I’m looking for something short and to the point along these lines;
As much a virtue,
as patience
You can learn hate
You can learn fear
Teach tolerance
Racism and hate are learned,
Teach tolerance
These are what I’ve come up with so far. I’m not looking for anything along the lines of biblical, rather something that everyone can relate too no matter their faith, age, race or whatever…
Will it change the world, probably not, but it may make some people think and change their behaviour towards others… I don’t know… I’ve just been thinking about how fast people jump to conclusions based on prejudice and bias alone and not looking at the person for the person themselves.
Seeing as we have a diverse group here, I figured this would be the best place to start…
So, if you can think of anything, post it up… thanks for taking the time to read my little ramble… and no, I’m not drunk, high or a recent recruit to a cult trying to get others to join, lol, just a guy looking to make people think and maybe smile on their way to work.
right idea, but the window is only about 1’x1’, by the time they read it all they may have rear-ended me already! lol
also geared more towards the way we look at the world, not just the way we are on the roads.
lol…Years ago I wanted to get something similar, written really small “If you can read this, you are close enough to smile for the video I’m sending to police!” but I figured that might make someone trash my car, so I decided not too.