Son Meet Volume 2

random black people from da hood attacking and destroying cars that pass threw their town

watch all of it.

seen it, dem niagras are crazy.

Dude we do this shit every day at the Thursday meets.

Guess you ain’t been to my neck of the 'hood lately.

I couldn’t watch the whole thing after 2 minutes I had enough. If that happend to me I would run to work, get our 1984 chevy pick up with the plow in front and I would go back there and start plowing. Fucken pieces of shit. Just watching that vid makes me mad just knowing that there is people like that in the world. No wonder the police don’t want to bother helping these people in the projects, with behaviour like that, what can they contribute to society? They just make things worse for them selfs. Tupac is so right when he sais “give 'em guns step back watch 'em kill each other” because it’s the only way to get rid of crap like that.

Shit like that makes me so mad, just because these people have problems they take out their frustrations on innocent people driving buy, that’s bullshit! One day they will learn when someone hits the wrong car, pisses off the wrong guy, the guy jumps out of the car and sprays everyone with bullets. And then their family is on TV crying about how their loved one did nothing to anyone and he/she was a innocent victim of a gang shouting and blah, blah, blah.

See, when Tupac said that, he was talking about what’s BEING done, not what SHOULD be done :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes I realize that, and now you see why it’s being done and why the cops don’t care. Less work for them and the way people see it is that people like that should either be in jail or dead so no one gives a shit and things just get worse and worse.

I totally agree.

Except that I wouldn’t go back to plow them, they wouldn’t deserve the honour if it, or my time. Sooner or later people get what’s coming to them.

just watching that makes me want to go and just fucking kill everything that thinks they are “the shit” enough to actually think that is alright. Well i do have a good feeling about it tho, I know those will be the fuckers that are making my coffee and Hamburgers in 30 years when I don’t give there sorry asses a fucking job.

pieces of shit


that was on the verge of being politically incorrect.

anyway, i dunno why nobody threw it into reverse and started fucking people up then back into drive and aimed for all of em.

I wonder why they were destroying the cars…there must be a reason.