Hey Justin don’t worry about it I will see if I can pull some strings for you. I will let you know.[/quote]
Hey Justin, the strings were pulled and the problem was solved …Your In my friend.
It’s nice to have connections
Hey Justin don’t worry about it I will see if I can pull some strings for you. I will let you know.[/quote]
Hey Justin, the strings were pulled and the problem was solved …Your In my friend.
It’s nice to have connections
hahah john your the best buddy alright man :lol: thanks very much and we will cya there
my bad
John, I just want to make sure this is still the timing plan and such.
I am meeting people to give them their bushings from my group buy and just want to double check (and give it a bump).
SUNDAY JANUARY 22nd 2006 2:00 PM
Thanks, Oh, and what is happening with the food thing? Group buy on some Arby’s sandwiches and Dr. Pepper? 8)
If you are meeting me there to get your bushings, click here.
Yup everything is still on as sceduled, no changes. I will be confirming with everyone in about a week or so. I need to know how many of us will be coming for sure so I can make reservations at the Mandarin chinese buffet. I know some don’t want to eat at the Mandarin but I think it’s our best bet because it’s around the corner from Formula, it’s quick you don’t have to wait to order etc. you just grab a plate and go, it’s healtyer then most junk food you get at fast food places, we all get to sit together and we had a good time the last time we were there so why not do it all over again.
I will be karting only. No food for me.
I will be karting only if I can make it (not 100% sure yet)
I’m in.
All right! Your first SON Meet! See you there!
common you lazy ass people i want to kart badly sign up !!!
Hey guys please submit your vote at the Poll at the top of the page. I need to know who wants to go to Mandarin and who doesn’t because I have to make reservations, next Sunday is the meet and I have to reserve seats for us because that Mandarin is usually jamed packed on the weekends. Thanks.
Hey guys i dont have my car right now but u can count on me being there!
Anyone know any people looking to sell ca18
Just wanted to add them to the list since they are already on there but not taking up a spot, since we need 30 and the meet is on sunday and were not there yet. If we dont hit 30 is this still a go>?
No it’s not! No 30, no Karting for you!
Yes ofcourse it’s still on :lol:
Dinner might get cancelled, we might take a vote there and see if we should go have dinner or just spend the rest of our money karting.
good i thought we needed 30 i was nervous lol ive been looking forward
to karting all these exams are pissing me off i aneed a vent so watch out
on the track hahahaha (never karted before lol ) :roll:
Hey everyone the Go Kart meet is tomorrow, I just want to thank those who are coming and I also wantes to announce a slight change of plans.
The Mandarin Screwed up our reservation, I just called them to confirm our reservation for 5:30 PM and they told me that they have us down for 7:30 PM after 15 minutes of arguing with the manager nothing got resolved and they couldn’t change the time any earlier because it is too bussy for them to take us in any earlier.
I am so glad I double check things otherwise we would of all been screwed because there is no way I would wait for 2 hours.
So here is the new plan:
After the Go Karting which should end by 5:30PM we will go up the street to WONG’S Chinese buffet it is like 60 seconds up the street, it’s cheaper and the selection of food is bigger and better.
We are going to WONG’S
Not Mandarin!
Sorry for any inconvenience if any this may cause anyone, but this works out for the better…Oh and I didn’t bother to cancel the reservation at the Mandarin for 7:30PM for 20 people, maybe next time they should just be honest and tell people they are too busy and they can’t fit them in, instead of overbooking and then bumping people without notice to whatever time slot is more convinient for them.