SON240sx >>> Money down on Time Attack

i realise that the CSCS time attack is not an exact science what with it being stop watches and shit… but still…

i entered teh drift and the time attack last event and had a great time. I know ic an shave 3-5 seconds off my time considering some of the problems i was having…

Lets get a dozen guys in the RWD street class and bet on it…

like $25 a head or so… then 2 weeks after teh event we find out who wins…

i already offered to bet Pankew but he is in a different class and he’s a smelly poo-head…

but still, instead of class win we can say give 50% of the pot to faster overall lap and then 50% to fastest average 3 timed laps.

get a power board and shit…

you guys in or are you major sandy vaginas?

LOL! Who wants to race the EVO1?

when/where is the next one? i’d probably be down for that!

the EVO1 would be in the Street AWD class, but i’d go it i guess. i dont care about the money, i just want the competition.

i’m thinking to keep things SON focused we could paypal the SON account that will hold the money in escrow and then pay out from it in paypal, the SON account holds back a couple bucks for facilitating.

say $25 a head + 3% paypal fees.

the next event is Sept 7, but i am not sure that my car will be back together for it… if it is… im there for both drift and Time Attack.

If this stop watch thing is agreeable with everyone then we can do it at the Onyx Dunnville days too. We have one on Sept 13th and Sept 27th.

John, what would you drive?.. you have that black coupe now right?

yeah i have the black coupe… i just need tires and everything else is good to go

i cant do sept 7, i have a dunnville day booked

the other sept days should be ok though

i have dunnville on sept 13 and 27th…

why teh hell do we have so many days?

we should really be combining these things and filling them up… frig.

Were In!!!

so wait u place ur bet plus CSCS fee which is how much? Isn’t there certain restrictions to class as well. (RWD open etc). Im to lazy to to go to the site and look this stuf up? and would u have to be already registered

yeah it already costs like $120 to time attack, plus $60 or something to drift, plus $20 to enter the track…

what’s you point?

this is not a poor-man’s sport.

i find that the amount of fun you have is in direct correlation to the money you spend… so if you are not having enough fun you are not spending enough money.

considering some of the cool ass shit you’ve bought, you should either be having more fun or itching to get in on this stuff.

friendly wagers… do it

i know, we dont fill ours up anymore haha… theres too fucking many day

we’ll talk over the winter… lets just get this friggn year done with haha

What happened to my post

We want to be in on this

for some reason your posts were unapproved… which doesnt make sense to me… is that happening in any other threads?

John… yes

everyone else… race

sandy vagina’s

bing you crack me up

why are you all being pussies? bing says race, you race. end of story.

why dont you just give your money to bing now and save yourself the hassle of driving to the track ? :slight_smile:

If I had a car that ran I’d be there.

yeah i am not 100% sure that my car will be ready either… the parts will be here, but might be cutting it too close for my own liking.

ill see what i can do about finding a trailer for my car, but i would be in for the middle/end of spet. im moving and to much BS right now

i wont make it tomorrow… we got everything done on the car then the drain back leaked and i figured i’d just spend the day with family and get home at a reasonable time.

see you on saturday at dunnville though… 13th, time attack yeah