son240sx Pignose yakuza

Hello everyone, I have heard that there was a pignose club on son a while back, well i thought we could start a new one. Anyways if anyone is interested in joining this e-group please put “son240sx Pignose Yakuza” in your sig. If anyone doesnt like the name please share your ideas.

I don’t like the name. And I remembered the squad, and I thought of bringing it back. Some respect here Kengi. hahahah!

Anyways ya the name sucks. Let’s brainstorm.

I am member / leader #1. I COMMAND IT.

you guys belong in a pig farm.

Call me Kermit, because I love my Piggy.

SON Pignose Squad /–/ LEADER

Mark, go pignose or go home.

lol pig farm, i duno i like the pig nose alot, ive considered throwing my zenki clip on my car, but i love the sleek chuki lines, anyways gotta get somethin more original for the name, like, the zenkitos hahah, sounds mexican or somethin

we don’t need a stupid name.

I like pignose squad. they have one on NICO i think too.

This is the sign too /–/ or something… lol. If anyone can make a better one please do.


haha, well i dont really mind if you wanna be leader… lol as long as we create a community within a community and it works out. In japan my clan name would own… but i guess in canada things are different… lol How bout if we just keep the name as pignose squad… keep it a international trademark… LOL and about the signs i already have one in my sig… lol

pignose squads sounds like ass.

imagine going up to someone and say " hi, i’m osad, i’m from the Pignose Squad"

sounds like a piece of fuckin artwork to me. What would you know about style kelvin, your car is a commercial for anti-racism.

OSAD I’m the owner of pignose status, your my follower…

If any of you had a shred of creativity, you’d toss out names like Napoleon, or Snowball.

Hey, you can use em, and for $5 bucks I’ll tell you why it would make you smarter than the average bear.

Then again, with the median age here what it is (and possibly the last paperbook that wasn’t a Chiltons any of you read) Wilbur would be acceptable but still get a ‘C’ grade.

Although I have to admit, I chuckled pretty hard at the Kermit vs Ms. Piggy allegory. It just seems like the perfect 240SX/owner relationship.

Never really interested, but she keeps trying to rape him. That’s Nissan ownership in a nutshell.

thats right… The new name “Pignose Status”… thats what i am talking about. Thank you andrew… technically i win as being leader since i was the first to have it in my sig

Your all wrong.
And mr200 I loved the kermit and ms piggy thing too, very nice allusion i think. I wish I read more than the average bear :(.
Andrew wouldn’t make enough appearances to be leader. And he probably has no other interest than just to break our balls. Sort of like the Iquabob of the pignose world. (sorry)

hahahaa beeeeeeeeeeeeeeef pignose’s rule ass yall uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

“Los Caballeros Del Pignose”

You should pick that one, you swine-faces.

You’re all gay

pignose is gay

Calling people gay on the internet is gay.

Could that comment be any more thruthful? I think not.