sonny and I

are tearing up message boards today. haha

hahaha… that’s funny, i just noticed… :kekegay:

get a room you hippie fags!!!


bring it fool


2fnfast- this hippie carrys a gun too :naughty:

oh, btw… some of the eastern PA vw owners claim that pittsburgh has nothing fast :kekegay: … you guys got :owned:

our fucking thread got locked… those bastards

i hate the mods over there


someone reported it… i’ll just get into every philly thread and talk shit :slight_smile:


get in that thread next, anyone who is on the tex is welcome!

set up a race with them! ill run them


you guys gotta wait… their 9 second vw is still ‘being built’ :kekegay:

so is mine!

What does this chick want a bunch of people to come run trains on her?

291 Avon Rd
apt G217
Devon, PA 19333

Whiteys costume is :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

kick ass boys!!!

