Sons Of Anarchy

Or he finally has Gemma where he wants her and now he will try to protect her. What was up with the homeless lady at the end? That has to lead to something with the murder weapon right?

There’s a whole mythology to the homeless lady. Google “Sons of anarchy homeless woman”. She shows up when ever something major goes down.

She’s also that girls mother (the girl who smashed the window), or at least I’m almost positive she is.

This is not the first time I heard this…

I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure it is, my old lady is pretty confident too.

I lol’d

That didn’t go well for Bobby but at least the club got a free iPad out of it.


Thats what I said to my wife Free ipad!

at least he went out singing Elvis in the family truckster

I don’t think he’s dead.

He isn’t watch the preview for next week

well hes got a new patch then at least…

eye for an eye justice.

well in this case patch for a patch…

Usenet rips… you never get previews. :slight_smile:

Not sure who cries more, Juice or Gemma. Regardless, I’m sick of them both.

well…goodbye Bobby. I swear for a TV show about a badass biker club there sure is alot of man love going on and crying dudes. I love you man! No I LOVE you! Come on now I am not watching General Hospital here.

So, uh, yeah…about that “accident” by Gemma…

yeah, this was a good one.

I was cracking up when Marilyn Manson was reading poetry to Juice.

How bout that softcore intro too…I could go without seeing Jax, Juice and Niro’s ass every other scene…that cop tho…mmmm

gotta have something for the ladies.